Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to CFrames and How to Use Them [CFrame Guide]

Here is a beginners guide to understanding and using CFrames. CFrames are super important and useful for any form of positioning and orienting of things in the workspace, so I hope this will help you with things like camera manipulation, even if you aren’t too good with the math involved.

Coordinate Frames

CFrame stands for ‘Coordinate Frame’, and this is a mathematical tool we use whenever we want to specify how something is positioned in space. A coordinate frame is made up of a point in space called the origin, and a set of 3 perpendicular directions called the axes (singular: ‘axis’). We usually name these 3 directions x, y, and z.
(Here is a visual representation of a coordinate frame. In reality they are purely mathematical)

The Position property of a Part tells you its position according to the Workspace coordinate frame. By default, a part with a Position of 0,0,0 is positioned exactly at the origin of the Workspace. A part with a Position such as 3,5,-9 is displaced from the origin by 3 units along the x axis, 5 units along the y axis, and -9 units along the z axis (negative means backwards along the axis).

Along with the Workspace, some other types of instances also have their own associated coordinate frame, including BasePart and Camera. With BasePart specifically, its coordinate frame is attached so that its origin is located at the Position of the part, and its x, y, and z axes are facing the same direction as the part’s Right, Top, and Back sides respectively, always. What this means is that if you move the part in the workspace, you move the origin of it’s coordinate frame with it, and if you rotate the part, you rotate the axes of it’s coordinate frame. For this reason, the details of a part’s coordinate frame completely define the parts position and orientation in space

The Orientation property of a Part tells you how a part was rotated about the axes of its own coordinate frame. By default, a part with an Orientation of 0,0,0 has it’s Right, Top, and Back sides facing the same direction as the x, y, and z axes of the Workspace coordinate frame respectively. Equivalently, a part with that Orientation has the respective axes of its coordinate frame parallel with the axes of the Workspace coordinate frame. A part with an Orientation such as 45,90,30 is rotated along its y axis by 90 degrees, its x axis by 45 degrees, and its z axis by 30 degrees, in that order. Yes, order matters with rotation: if you did those same rotations in a different order, the faces (and the coordinate frame) would be oriented differently.

An important concept regarding coordinate frames is that the same point in space can have different positions depending on which coordinate frame you are using. This is because position is defined by displacement from the origin along the axes, and different coordinate frames have different origins and axes directions. A great example of this is an Attachment. The Position property of these is respect to the coordinate frame of it’s parent Part, instead of the Workspace.
With respect to the Part: 2343aaa9956963dc759ecde182bbf40c
With respect to the Workspace: 45625ab63693920991190585618bff3f

As of now, we have been talking about coordinate frames in the mathematical sense. But what is the meaning behind the actual CFrame property of an Instance? (I know, all this reading and we still haven’t talked about CFrames themselves :cold_sweat: but don’t worry, that was most of the learning: the rest is just understanding how to manipulate CFrames in code)

CFrame as a property of instances

Now that you know what a coordinate frame is, the purpose of a CFrame should be easily understood. CFrame is a property which encodes the position and orientation of a coordinate frame with respect to the workspace’s coordinate frame. This is why the Workspace doesn’t have a CFrame property, even though it has a coordinate frame: what’s the point of specifying your own position and orientation with respect to yourself?

If you have looked up CFrames before, you have probably seen that they are specified by 12 numbers. That may seem overwhelming at first, but its actually very simple: 3 numbers for the position of the origin of the coordinate frame, 3 for the direction vector of the x axis, 3 for the direction vector of the y axis, and 3 for the direction vector of the z axis (all with respect to the Workspace coordinate frame). That’s all. A Part positioned at the origin of the Workspace with the default orientation will have the 12 numbers of it’s CFrame consisting of (0,0,0), (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (0,0,1). That is to say, it’s coordinate frame’s origin is at the workspace origin, and its x, y, and z axes point parallel with the workspace’s x, y, and z axes respectively.

So why and how do you use CFrames? There are 2 main reasons you would want to use CFrames:

1. CFrames make positioning and orienting things simple and concise

This relates back to what I said earlier: the details of a part’s coordinate frame completely define the parts position and orientation in space (this goes for anything with a CFrame, including cameras). We can use this fact to easily code how we want things placed in the workspace. Using CFrames, along with their pre-defined functions that Roblox gives us, we can do things like both position and direct a Camera in only a couple lines of code:

(The camera is positioned at the origin, looking at the part.)

Here I used the CFrame.lookAt(Vector3,Vector3) constructor, which has the first argument being the Position of the CFrame, and the second argument being a point in space which the LookVector of the CFrame will point towards (the LookVector points opposite to the z axis of the coordinate frame, which is the direction of the Front face of a Part and the direction of view of a Camera)

In fact, it’s very rare that you will have to define a CFrame using 12 numbers. Most of the time you will use constructors like this one or manipulate pre-existing CFrames of other instances.

2. CFrames make it easy to position and orient things relative to other things

Let’s say I wanted I had one part called part1 and I wanted it to be positioned 5 units on top of another part called part2. The problem is that the Position property of a part is with respect to the workspace, so we can’t just set it to 0,5,0. This may be easy to fix with vectors if part2 is nicely oriented in space: part1.Position = part2.Position +,5,0), but what if part2 is rotated beyond comprehension :sob:, and it’s top face isn’t nice enough to be directed along the y axis of the workspace (or any of the 3 axes for that matter)? Fear not, this is the mathematical purpose of coordinate frames after all. We know the position we want for part1 in the coordinate frame of part2, we just need to convert that to the position in the workspace frame. We can use the handy function CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(Vector3). This takes the position of a point in space specified with respect to the CFrame, and converts it to the position with respect to the workspace:
part1.Position = part2.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(,5,0)) does the trick for us.

Next I’ll talk a bit about some of the properties and particularly useful functions of CFrames and how to use them.

A quick rundown of some CFrame properties, functions and operations

This page lists everything + more that I’m about to talk about, but I’ll try go a bit more into detail than it does.


  • CFrame.Position: The Position of the coordinate frame’s origin
  • CFrame.LookVector: The negative direction Vector3 of the z axis of the coordinate frame. It’s named so because, as I said, it points in the direction of the Front face of parts, and the view of cameras
  • CFrame.UpVector: The direction Vector3 of the y axis of the coordinate frame.
  • CFrame.RightVector: The direction Vector3 of the x axis of the coordinate frame.


  • CFrame + Vector3: This returns the same CFrame with it’s Position shifted by the value of the Vector3. CFrame - Vector3 behaves similarly
  • CFrame * Vector3: Together, the direction Vector3's of the x, y, and z axes of a coordinate frame actually form a 3x3 matrix which operates on Vector3 values. This matrix can be thought of as instructions on how to rotate the axes of the workspace’s coordinate frame to become the axes of the CFrame's associated coordinate frame. For this reason, this operation returns the original Vector3 after it is rotated like the axes of the CFrame were. (For example,,0,0)) will be rotated to point parallel to the x axis of the CFrame)
  • CFrame1 * CFrame2: This takes both the the axes and position Vector3 of CFrame2 and rotates them according to the matrix of CFrame1. Additionally, this adds the Position of CFrame1 to the previous result. The order matters here: you will get a different result if you swap CFrame1 with CFrame2. If you you want a CFrame in the workspace which is positioned and oriented with respect to CFrame1 as CFrame2, this will output it.

Check this out for a more in depth discussion on CFrame operations.


  • CFrame1:Lerp(CFrame2, fraction): This takes the difference in Position and axis orientation of CFrame1 and CFrame2 and outputs one which is somewhere in the middle (specified by the fraction)
  • CFrame:Inverse(): Returns a CFrame with the same Position, but it has the inverse matrix. This means if you had vec2 = cf * vec1, you would have cf:Inverse() * vec2 == vec1: it un-does the rotation of the original CFrame.
  • CFrame:PointToObjectSpace(Vector3): Similarly to :PointToWorldSpace() which I used in an example, this takes the position of a point according to workspace coordinate frame, and gives you it’s position according to the CFrame coordinate frame. You can think of :PointToWorldSpace() and :PointToObjectSpace() as being inverses of eachother.


  •,y,z): Creates a CFrame with a Position of x,y,z, and it’s axes parallel with the workspace’s (no rotation).
  • CFrame.Angles(X,Y,Z): Creates a CFrame positioned at 0,0,0 and rotate it about it’s own z, y, x axes by Z, Y, and X radians respectively, in that order. Remember that: Where as the Orientation property of parts uses degrees and goes in y,x,z order, this uses radians and goes z,y,x. You can use this constructor to make rotation matrices to transform Vector3s and other CFrames
  • CFrame.lookAt(Pos, Target): As explained earlier, this creates a CFrame which is positioned at Pos, and points it’s LookVector at Target

That’s about it

I hope this guide wasn’t too long or confusing, but I also hope that it was in depth enough so that you came out with enough of an understanding of CFrames that you had the tools to do most of the things you would need them for, and so that you can look at the API page without the confusion about what any of it means.

Let me know if you have any suggestions or questions. Thanks for reading :slight_smile:


Absolutely outstanding tutorial! This explains CFrames very well, and you did a great job at explaining this! Very in-depth and very well-written. Keep it up, you have done amazing.


I am completely new to CFrames! This helped a lot! Thanks! Keep up the great work!


I finally pushed myself to start learning LUA and this is a great tutorial! I personally still am reading through, but its really well formatted!


That can help me a lot thanks

:smile: :smile:


thank you for this help it will be greatly useful to me continue like this. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: