Are these rock parts too extra?

I don’t know if it’d be a good idea to add such detail, because I’d fear that the amount of rock meshes would affect the performance. I’m working on a round-based sword fighting game, but I’m not sure if this would even look good on a sword-fighting game.


yes they are (also is the game released i wanna check it out)

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How many tris in the Mesh(es)?

If you’ve only got 15-20 it probably won’t be bad for performance as long as you don’t cover the workspace in them.
I’ve seen people create rocks or snowballs with 10,000 tris each. That’s too extra.

When I create rocks I use the Blender Smooth faces tool with around 150-200 tris, but I mark some Edges (or a line of edges) that would be sharp concave or convex corners as Sharp to give them a bit of shading detail that normal rocks might have.


I don’t think so, I have games with thousands of meshes and it is fine.

Unions are worse, meshes and meshparts are pretty chill, I doubt there would be lags.

it looks amazing Keep up the good work.:+1:t6::grin:

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These rocks should be fine, especially if they all use the same model or are reused models.

Contradictory to popular belief, having more parts or meshes in your games actually does not make it THAT much laggier unless you’re hitting some memory limit.

It HEAVILY depends on how much objects are going to be within the camera’s frustum.

A lot of people will commonly tell you to remove details or reduce the amount of parts.
Which generally is good advice, but if you want to KEEP your details and improve performance, you’ll need a different approach.

I personally think the rocks look just fine, just their color and texture feels a little off to me but nothing a simple material change can fix, right?

Just make sure that most of these rocks use the same material and re-use the same mesh because then Roblox can instance them.
Their size, rotation and color doesn’t matter.

Also since they likely not going to be super important to the view, they don’t need thousands of triangles either.

You can probably simplify them down to 50% or possibly even 20% their original triangle counts if they’re as high-poly as I think they are.

Shouldn’t need more than 200 - 300 triangles.

THOUGH, do not worry too much about triangle count either.
Most modern computers handle large triangle counts just fine, but definitely lower it a bit so that players with low-end computers will have a smoother frame rate while looking at the rocks.

Most important thing to remember here is that ONLY the things that are within the camera’s frustum (including objects hidden behind walls, but NOT outside the render distance) are usually going to be rendered.

Roblox MIGHT release occlusion culling some day so when that’s out you can forget about most objects hidden behind walls and mostly only have to concern yourself with whatever is in view.


Do you have any idea of a figure for the max triangles a low end device (ex: an iPhone 8) can render without issues?

Hard to say because it can vary, not everyone has the same phone.

Generally always aim for the lowest number of triangles and only increase triangle count if you need surfaces to look round or smooth.

Textures should do most of the heavy lifting generally.

Somewhere between 250 - 2000 triangles is a good range.
Also depends on how important some objects are.

For a player character you might want to use lots of triangles since they will always be close to the camera/view.
For NPCs you use about 50 - 75% the amount of triangles that you’d use for a player character.

For props and objects in the environment you typically use the lowest amount of triangles possible while still maintaining some qualities and their basic shape.

But most importantly, try to reuse models and meshes, use the same material wherever you can because then Roblox can instance them.

One of the biggest performance hits in games is often high memory usage and draw calls.
For this reason you try to reuse models and materials and simply change their color instead.

Design simple models that can fit or be used for multiple purposes.

Have like 3 rock variations and a few trees and scatter those across the map with just slightly different size, position and colors so they can be instanced.

If you’re making a city, town or village, try to reuse the same building model but change the color of the roof, windows and walls a little for example.

Computers are very good at reusing and sharing the same data.
Having many unique models is more expensive than having multiple copies of the same model.

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