Are these rumors true?

So i’ve been told quite a few things and I just wanna ask if these rumors are true?

1: Having alts can lead to your main getting banned because roblox will think that you’re ban evading.

I’m quite scared of this one because when I was a kid I made tons of alts just for fun and back then I did use some alts to play games that I got banned on my main, will I be possibly punished for these now? And if I make alt accounts now will I be punished?

2: Private useless experiences because a hacker can get your account terminated

I’ve heard about this one too, i’m not sure what counts as a “useless experience” however i’m pretty sure they just mean the default starter place.

3: Having two accounts with the same email can lead to both accounts being punished if one is

Kinda worried about this one too because my little brother has the same email as my account and he gets banned all the time for stupid things. He literally cant behave.

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Personally I don’t know much about 1, but I doubt 3 will happen. About no. 2, it should only be able to happen if an exploiter has access to a backdoor in your game (which typically happens with malicious plugins or free models). When an exploiter has access to a backdoor, they basically have access to your server, and all the things that come with it (which is why some games have gotten banned by such).

Hope this helps!

This one doesn’t happen very often these days, but precaution is mandatory.
Why would you even want to publish a useless unplayable experience?

Again, I assure you these rumors are true and tens of players are getting terminated for them everyday. Go to the Subreddit RobloxBans and see the countless number of players who keep getting terminated for them.

If you don’t believe me, read more about these rumors and know how both work, how to appeal (in case you got terminated for it) and how to avoid/prevent getting terminated for them.

(This is a Reddit link, not sure if moderators allow it)