Are you able to use Hash maps in Roblox?

I was trying to optimize a script for cloning tools by using a pseudo-try of hashmap, but it isn’t working it’s not cloning the tools, but if I make it by making individual fors it does work, I don’t know if there’s an error in my logic, there’s nothing in console.

Do I have to use any remote events?

-- Other variables
local SS = game.ServerStorage
local Tools = SS.Tools
local Equipment = SS.Equipment
local ARMAS = Tools.Guns
local OtherTools = Tools.OtherTools
local MandoSupremo = Tools["ALTO MANDO"]
local transport = Tools.Transport

-- Equipment folders
local EM = Equipment.EJMEX
local infanteria = EM.Infanteria
local medicos = EM.Medicos
local GAFE = EM.GAFE

local GN = Equipment.GN
local transito = GN.Transito

local MAR = Equipment.MARINA
local fan = MAR.FAN
local unopes = MAR.UNOPES
local PN = MAR.PN

local HCM = Equipment.HCM

local FAM = Equipment.FAM
local bfp = FAM.BFP

local FGR = Equipment.FGR
local AIC = FGR.AIC

local PM = Equipment.PM
local EMP = PM.EMP

local mainMarina = MAR.main
local mainFAM = FAM.main
local hcmMain = HCM.Main
local mainPM = PM.main
local gnMain = GN.main

local emGroupIDs = {
	410512, -- 1 EM 8
	903262, -- 2 Infantería 5
	3101144, -- 3 GEO  
	32008113, -- 4 GRI 
	10784679 -- 5 NITRO 9

local marinaGroupIDs = {
	839872, -- 1 Marina 1
	768857, -- 2 FAN 0
	767953, -- 3 PN 3
	17375163, -- 4 UNOPES 3 
	984617 -- 5 Guardia Costera 0

local famGroupIDs = {
	353464, -- 1 FAM 4
	8398737 -- 2 BFP 7

local gnGroupIDs = {
	484846, -- 1 GN 2
	1439973, -- 2 Movilidad y Transporte 7
	3200811, -- 3 GRI 3
	1634738 -- 4 asuntos internos 9

local pmGroupIDs = {
	3200811, -- 1 PM 2
	797628 -- 2 EMP 6

local hcmGroupIds = {
	479342, -- 1 HCM 2
	733550 -- 2 Arma Blindada 7

local fgrGroupIds = {
	6426691, -- 1 AIC
	6426691 -- 1 AIC

-- Helper function to clone items to player's backpack
local function cloneItemsToBackpack(player, itemsFolder)
	for _, item in pairs(itemsFolder:GetChildren()) do
		local clonedItem = item:Clone()
		clonedItem.Parent = player.Backpack

local hashMap = {
	[emGroupIDs[5]] = {ARMAS.NITRO, transport.Bicla},
	[emGroupIDs[3]] = medicos,
	[gnGroupIDs[1]] = gnMain,
	[gnGroupIDs[3]] = {ARMAS.Licencia, ARMAS.P90},
	[gnGroupIDs[4]] = ARMAS.G19,
	[gnGroupIDs[2]] = transito,
	[marinaGroupIDs[1]] = mainMarina,
	[marinaGroupIDs[4]] = mainMarina,
	[marinaGroupIDs[3]] = {ARMAS.ZipTie, mainMarina},
	[famGroupIDs[1]] = mainFAM,
	[famGroupIDs[2]] = bfp,
	[hcmGroupIds[1]] = hcmMain,
	[pmGroupIDs[1]] = {ARMAS.G3, mainPM}

-- Function to assign equipment based on group IDs
local function onPlayerSpawned(player)
	for groupID, equipmentFolder in pairs(hashMap) do
		if player:IsInGroup(groupID) then
            if type(equipmentFolder) == "table" then
                for _, folder in pairs(equipmentFolder) do
                    cloneItemsToBackpack(player, folder)
                cloneItemsToBackpack(player, equipmentFolder)

If I’m reading this right, couldn’t you use a dictionary?

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