Are you able to use Roblox Logo

Today, I was making a logo and I was wondering if im able to use the Roblox logo?


By when you mean using the roblox logo do you mean, changing it or adding characteristics to the logo to put in your game?

No, I mean if im able to use the Roblox logo in one of the logos that I have made.

Well yeah, other creators have used the logo in there logs but if you feel weird still you can always look on the roblox help

You can find some materials, as well as the Roblox Brand Guidelines, here. Yes, you may use the Roblox logo and any resources it uploads or directly provides to its developers in your games as per your game being hosted on the platform.


Super sorry about the bump, but I found this post on Google and just wanted to let you know that you can’t use the Roblox logo anymore without permission.

I definitely remember seeing something telling me you cannot utilise it anymore.

I really want to do a Powered by ROBLOX typeOf loading screen; but am un-sure if it’s even allowed, apologies for necro-bumping but hoping someone will help refer me to the post I lost here…