Are you allowed to upload decals showing vector icon style, cartoony, drops of blood and cut off human limbs on Roblox show below?
If there isn’t any blood in-game or a little blood in-game I think its allowed.
Are you allowed to upload decals showing vector icon style, cartoony, drops of blood and cut off human limbs on Roblox show below?
If there isn’t any blood in-game or a little blood in-game I think its allowed.
Hmm, sometimes roblox bans games that has blood. But sometimes it doesn’t. I can’t really say. But I saw a lot of games getting banned because of blood. But here you go, Phantom Forces didn’t got banned, but its bloody. But about cut off human limbs. I’ve never saw games with these type of things, so I don’t know exactly.
it’s just going to be GUII icons, not trauma inducing in any way, and I’ve seen a lot of games showing skeletons and other stuff like that. I’m just making about a vampires and werewolves which is way lol
I’m not sure as well so I want to know
Oh so basically, when you happen to die, you basically see the icons?
Well it’s a food meter basiclly, the vampires get one which has a drop of blood since they need to drink blood, werewolves get one with human limbs on it since they need to eat players aka humans
If there isn’t any blood in-game or a little blood in-game I think its allowed.
Yeah it’s only an emoji style drop of blood, but what about the cut off vector icon limbs? // Cartoony human flesh
Not sure 'bout that. But I’m pretty sure some games have used it. But I’m thinking its allowed too. Since some games have ragdool, and when you happen to die, sometimes you lose some limbs.
Yeah, I’m getting very confused from Roblox honestly and I don’t want my account banned, but thank you for the great help sir
As long as your blood is not realistic then I think it should be fine.
It might be okay only if it isn’t “too realistic”, you should also try to avoid excessive gore, to prevent any problems with Roblox moderation.
You could just make a settings “Allow blood and death efx”
You could probably get away with that, it’d be enabled by default.
Drops of blood yes, visceral removed limbs no. You can just opt for a Roblox arm and call that a “cut off limb”, it’s a safer route and doesn’t leave any room for skepticism about the kinds of things you’re depicting in your game.
it’s GUI so I rely on those lol
Thanks, will be looking into that, the ToS make it very confusing honestly
Hello, and i see your issue on this topic.
I myself, an not a roblox moderator but a tip i have learned from many games with blood and gore.
This tip is adding a disclaimer while joining!
(theres a game called blood engine thats very brutal, but with the disclaimer isnt banned)
and/(or) settings to disable/enable. If you want to make sure 100% you dont get banned from it is, make an age limit of 13 & younger or 50 & older.
If there account age is >12 or 50< then there account is banned permanently. The reason i put 50 is since kids tend to bypass by making there like 60 or 125.
To further enhance the capabilities of not being banned is to have on defualt blood and gore (off) promt the player to turn it on though via (settings(1)
when they enter settings remove the (1) or else they will constantly click it lol which just annoys them
If the game is made for kids, it will be monetized for kids.
If your target audience is >12 then dont add it or you will probably be banned. Do some silly cartoony death like in all those arcade games or just oof.