This topic is primarily based on a singular question; Are you allowed to take code from plugins?
I’ve looked on the developer forum and I haven’t found anything really related to this question yet.
I’m wondering this because I don’t want to get into any sort of trouble for taking peoples stuff. So I’m reaching out to the developer forum to ask if this is even allowed before I do something stupid.
I assume for paid plugins it’s definitely not allowed. But what about free plugins?
Well for a paid plugin it makes sense due to legal reasons. But for the free plugins would you mind linking the source of ‘being allowed to take it’? I’d just like to make sure the source is valid.
Well you’d have to look at the license. Most licenses for open source content allow you to redistribute code. Take my advice for a grain of salt as I am not a lawyer and you should do your own research in this inquiry.
Thanks for the response I’ll look into the plugins license, and if it doesn’t have I’ll just message the owner of the plugin directly. I appreciate your time.