Are you ready to use this new AMAZING plugin?

:skull: :skull: This plugin is not “AMAZING” its DEPRESSING.


I’m pretty new here, but I’m pretty sure that uploading a module script to the Creator Store makes it available for anyone who gets the plugin. Additionally, the plugin is free. If you don’t want people to share the code with others, why is the plugin available for ANYONE to access?

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You can share the code, thats already 1 point above this module


Get ready guys !!
the Pro version will be released in the coming few days keep on eye in this topic !

Hey man, just wanted to say that hopefully you took my module as a basis for your pro version’s code (and possibly your normal version), and do not go false reporting replies and getting them taken down, cause i’m pretty certain that’s against ToS.


Didn’t said that it was useless, but if you insist so; here are my reasons:

  • Obvious bloatware (can be solved with my segregation suggestion)
  • Utter useless and overly specific functions (as you have said in the review reply)
  • Absolutely unnecessary use of plugin when you can just use a module script
  • Please understand how your legal rights work in a roblox environment
  • Abhorrently sugarcoated
  • where is my ray tracing function

Now if you don’t understand any of those, feel free to use chatgpt :pray: :pray:

dont you dare hit that :black_flag:


the pro version will offer 50 functions , more secured code , and more !

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also i added events to trigger certain things that happens with in the plugin

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and what if i share module source code?
what are the consequences to this? legal action?



Is this a joke plugin? I like it. I think it’s pretty funny ngl.
Can’t believe the other people here don’t get it lol.

Best regards,

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if only he thought it was a joke too lol :coefficients:


Is this a joke? From what I’ve read, you are making people PAY to code. This is unbelievable, not only are you just trolling now, but from your lack of skill to get a “privacy policy” which makes it so people can’t copy your code and upload it, but using ChatGPT to write it for you. :man_facepalming:


this drama is months old, drop it and ignore this guy


takes you like 2 seconds to write that. quicker than inserting a module into a storage service

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the pro version of this plugin “Extra Functions” will offer more powerful , useful and time saving functions.

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You say you want the time you wasted on this plugin back

That literally is calling it useless


Didn’t expect ChatGGPT to call me out on my review, my time refund was to emphasize the dissapointment and unsatisfactory resource relative to the OP claims, though I don’t see the need for me to argue any further for a simple review.

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Thank you for taking time out of your day to provide a resource for the community, even if others do not view it useful, it still can give you some experience and it’s the thought that counts! Even though I currently won’t use it as I have no need for it, it still has some potential and you can continue adding on to it as you progress on your scripting journey.
(Also, like others have said, it might be a good idea to change the title to something that correlates more with what your plugin is about)


I don’t think this plugin is worth to be used.
Considering there are ways than using “ExtraFunctions”, such as: script.Parent.Parent, player.UserID

But others have already pointed out so, you probably get it already. :man_shrugging:


i am in a big trouble now i can not distribute a priced plugin on the creator store
if any one could help me i will be so thankful

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