Area 02 Gamepass Admin [GPA] Guidelines

Area-02 GPA Guidelines

Last Updated: 06/20/2021

This document is a guide that goes over what it means to be a Gamepass Admin, what commands you have access to and the responsibilities you will have.

Section 1: Introduction

The Gamepass Admin gives you a variety of commands that allow you to help the Area-02 staff team moderate the game. However, do note that you have limitations.

GPA is a privilege, not a right. You will not be refunded for abusing your GPA. You are, however, allowed to Admin Abuse however you see fit IF you are in a VIP server. The first offense of GPA AA will result in a warning, then a 3-5 day temp ban for the second offense, and the third will result in a permanent ban.

Area-02 uses the admin command script known as Command Row, or “CMDR.” To access the admin script, press the ; button on your keyboard. Type the help command and press enter for details on some commands you have access to. You also have access to the Admin Logs (server only), which shows you kill logs and control room logs. Along with CMDR and the Admin Logs, you have access to the GPA tag. Type “.sshow” in-game to show your Game Pass Admin tag, type “.shide” to hide it. Note that whenever you show your tag, you are automatically godded; when hiding it, you are automatically ungodded.

Section 2: Rules

  1. Random usage of admin in malicious ways is never allowed.
  2. Do not perform commands on other people unless you have their permission, and if it is something that may be considered abuse when directed at a random person but if you are doing it to your friend, just tell Staff .
  3. Do not unfreeze yourself if a staff member freezes you.
  4. Gamepass admins are NOT staff.
  5. You are allowed to freely teleport to anyone, as long as it’s not staff on listed non-combative teams in rule 16. You may teleport to staff if you have their permission. (Refer to Section 4)
  6. Do not use your admin to annoy/harass other players
  7. You are allowed to help staff, but if they ask you to leave them alone, respectfully do so.
  8. GPAs are never allowed to use the all and % prefixes. Only perform actions to those who have consented to it. This excludes the track command, you may use the all and % prefixes for that command only. Regenscps is also exempt from all.
  9. Do not respond to help requests unless there are no staff in the server.
  10. GPA+ are allowed inside the staff room, however, if a staff member orders you to leave it, then do so respectfully.
  11. GPAs are to keep a careful eye on the admin logs in-game. Although not required, it helps catch cases of Admin Abuse from other GPAs, or even staff.
  12. Although not required, it is highly recommended that you follow the “Blend-In Policy.” This policy states that you shouldn’t reveal you have admin to be able to catch rulebreakers much easier.
  13. TGPAs hold authority over regular GPAs in the same manner Trial Mods do. Meaning, TGPAs can tell GPAs what they can and can’t do. However, they can’t boss GPAs around, much how Trial Mods can’t just boss them around.
  14. Do not use commands to get outside the map. (ie using blink to escape the map.)
  15. You can only use godmode and teleport etc. on the following teams:

CD, FP, ScD, EC, DEA, SCP 999, SCP 131 and MD
For any combative teams outside of these above, you must follow all rules listed for combative teams listed in rules 17 and 18.

  1. You can roam freely around the facility godded with your tag shown (However we highly recommend you show your tag in areas your team would not be allowed and prevent getting killed) on the teams listed above with the exception that you do not teleport or shide your tag if you sshow it on a combative team this also includes E&T to minimize abuse although it is not combative. You are required to respawn when done showing your tag. If there is any godding on a combative team and staff or anyone reports you for taking your god mode off or teleporting anywhere in the map, you will be punished. (Refer to Section 4 for command specific rules)
  2. If you are on E&T or CI you cannot god and repair/destroy generators/fix barriers in the facility. This is AA.
  3. You are not allowed to god on SCP Teams outside of 999, 131 and 457 (on 457 it takes the fire away if you god and it stays gone till respawn.) Any other SCP team is forbidden to be on with godmode. Keep in mind 457 is considered a combative team in terms of rules.
  4. You are not allowed on the SCP or Unauthorized teams to roam around freely. If you go on the SCP team you must pick an SCP to play as.
  5. It is mandatory for you to show your tag during a sit and do all sits in the sitroom to avoid users thinking you are staff when freezing them and or keeping them from making false staff reports instead of player reports.
  6. You may teleport to the sitroom to do a sit with users on non-combative or combative teams. But if you do it on a combative team, as soon as the sit is finished, respawn yourself.
  7. If you are ever unsure if you can do something, DM a staff member. Specifically direct to an SV+, if none are available contact Oppressed_II.

Section 3: In-game Commands

  1. To (player) - Teleports you to the target player.
  2. Bring (player) - Brings target player to you.
  3. Sit - Sits your player down on the floor in the current spot you’re standing.
  4. Tolocation (location) - Used to open a dropdown menu of locations you can teleport to and choose from. Can also be used as “tl” or “tpto” to shorten it.
  5. View (player) - Watch the target player without physically being there.
  6. Track (player) - Puts a line between you and the target player. Useful to track exploiters or where users are in game. You may use ;Track all on non-combative teams.
  1. God (player) - Makes the target player invulnerable (immune) to any form of damage. (While godded as combative your weapons will do no damage.)
  2. Speed (player) (value) - Allows the target player to increase running speeds. Max speed value is 30.
  3. Give (player) (item) - Gives the target player an item, note that GPAs can only give themselves items.
  4. Hat (RobloxID) - Lets you wear any hat on the roblox catalogue with the item ID.
  5. Warnings (player) - View the current number of warnings and the warning reasons the target player has.
  6. Re[spawn] (player) - Respawns the target player to their team spawn.
  7. Regenscps (SCP number/all) - Respawns all humanoid SCP subjects.


  1. Thru - Teleports you a short distance in front of you.
  2. Freeze (player) - Freezes target player; to be used for sits.
  3. Profile (player) & Offlineprofile (player) - Allows you to check target players gamepasses and rank status.
  4. Authban - temporarily prevents a user from using the authorize tool for 5 minutes. ( Only for users abusing it and authorizing everyone. )
  5. Timeout (player) - Sends a user to the timeout room for 5 minutes when they aren’t following the rules then respawns them back in game. There is a 10 minute cooldown to use it again after use.
  6. Offlinewarn & Warn - Allows you to warn a player who is offline/ingame.


Section 4: The don’ts

It is impossible to list every possible situation of Admin Abuse, however, this section will go over some of them. When you finish reading this section, you should be able to use your GPA without intentionally Admin Abusing. Everything is listed in order of commands and what you may NOT do.

To - Teleport to people and kill them, teleport to or bring anyone without proper reason, teleport to staff without prior permission from them. If you are on a combative team you are not allowed to teleport and must play as a normal player.

Bring - Bring people and kill them, or bring anyone without proper reason. Do not bring staff unless you have prior permission to do so. Do not bring regular users to the staffroom.

God - You may not turn your tag off when on a combative team. If you show your tag on a combative team you must remain that way. When you are done showing your tag you must respawn yourself to prevent any potential AA. If you are caught doing shide while on a combative team you will be punished. You cannot be godded with “One Life Items”.

Give - Spam give yourself or other player items. You are only allowed to give food items, nothing else. You can also give yourself an omnicard.

Respawn/Refresh - Respawn/refresh yourself or others without reason, unnecessarily respawn/refresh, spam respawn/refresh another player. You are not allowed to refresh on a combative team. If you are on a combative team and have finished showing your tag, you must respawn yourself using the respawn command.

Authban - Do not abuse it. Only use it if a user is authorizing everyone with no intentions of actually testing on them or to let them freely roam the facility.

Regenscps - Respawn SCPs without staff approval (you may respawn SCPs if no staff are present in the server, however only do so if it’s impossible to re-contain an SCP/the SCP is missing).

Tl; CDC, Controlroom, Sitroom - Teleport to any of these locations without reason, teleport to the CDC as SCP-457 or Chaos Insurgency, teleport to CDC as a combative to fight Chaos Insurgency, teleport to control room to turn on/off an alarm, teleport to control room to shoot anyone using the alarms, teleport to sit room unless you are doing an admin sit.

Thru - Spam in rapid succession used to get through a wall to fight the enemy team or SCP-457, or spamming to get through walls.

Freeze - Do not freeze users and leave them frozen or leave the game while they are frozen. Do not freeze users for no reason. Only freeze them if they are breaking the rules and in the sitroom to initiate a sit.

Timeout - Do not abuse this command by sending users to timeout for no reason, same as you would not leave them frozen. Always try to do sits with them first, and use timeout if they continue to break rules.

Tolocation aka tl/tpto - If you are on a combative team, you are not allowed to teleport around the map. If you are godded you can still freely roam the map, but you can not teleport, this is to prevent any possible AA of people teleporting to get advantages.

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