Area-02 | Update 3.5.0 SCP-009 Revamp

Date: January 22, 2022
Version: 3.5.0


+ SCP-009 rescripted
+ Added infection system
+ SCP-009 CZ added
+ Added SpriteClip module
+ Created a Prop Animation Client script for handling prop animations
+ Animated the projector screen in SCP-009's CZ
+ Added readable SCP documents
+ Added SCP-009 containment document
+ Implementation of the Network module, which will replace existing framework using remotes
+ Added Platform module
+ SCPs are now handled by SCP Main 
+ Greatly improved lighting in S-3 to allow for clearer visibility of signage
+ Greatly improved visibility in S-1
+ Greatly improved lighting in the CDC
+ Added faint light to status lights on cameras
+ Added lights by S-1 entrance door
+ Added slight depth of field effect to help hide loading and unloading of the map


* Fixed report UI scaling
* refresh command fixed
* Made signs in S-1 far less pixelated
* Made signs in S-2 far less pixelated 
* Fixed an increment error next to the nuclear shelter stairway entrance
* Fixed Z-Fighting in MTF spawn
* Updated references in the weapon handler scripts and deleted old redundant versions
* Removed prints in analytics data
* Disabled querying of barriers
* Fixed inventory saving bug
* Fixed weapon server script not registering SCP-009-1 instances
* Patched ClientWeaponHandler and ClientWeaponHandlerV4 for hit registry
* Fixed WeaponServerScript registering non-humanoid's as NPCs


# Made entrances to S-1 cafeteria ramps instead of hard drops
# Cut S-3 floor as requested (QA, please test collisions on publish)
# Cleaned up 02 workspace
# Optimized a number of mesh render settings throughout existing portions of the map to reduce client average memory usage on draw calls
# Adjusted objectives frame visibility
# Doubled  pull rate for Playfab location logger
# Modified size of infection artifacts


- Removed Halloween Bag


@snorebear @Rio_lI @keegaroo65 @PolarisWasInDenial