AREA 11 Moderation Guidelines & Information



Admin Permissions

Adonis Admin Power Level Command

  • Level 1 - Moderator Power
  • Level 2 - Administrator Power
  • Level 3 Owner Power
  • Level 4 Creator Power
    Basic Admin Power Level Command
    VIP Servers Only
  • Level 1 - Moderator Power
  • Level 2 - Administrator Power
  • Level 3 - Super Admin Power


  • Gamepass Moderator - Adonis Power Level 1
  • Head Moderator - Adonis Power Level 2
  • Senior Head Moderators - Adonis Power Level 2
  • Lead Moderator - Adonis Power Level 3
  • Developer - Adonis Power Level 4
  • Head Developer - Adonis Power Level 4

VIP Server: Permission Level

  • Gamepass Moderator - Basic Admin Power Level 1
  • Basic Admin Admin - Basic Admin Power Level 2
  • VIP Sever - Basic Admin Power Level 2

VIP Server owner can run :admin/:unadmin/:mod to grant /remove powers on users in there VIP Server, Please note this doesnt save to work in normal servers.

Upon Purchasing Adonis Mod Gamepass

View Details

Upon purchasing you agree to follow all rules regarding your new found administrative powers of rank Moderator, Please take your time of reading this full-document so you don’t end up getting a short ban- a permanent ban from not knowing the rules. We give ZERO refunds to anyone.

Basic Moderation Commands & Information

View Commands Summary

Prefix :
Run :cmds to view commands you have access to.
Press to open the command bar to run commands in secret - Locked to Moderator+
Press Q to access Admin Panel - Locked to Head Moderator+
Say :logs to view history of commands ran in this server by players & staff - Locked to Moderator+

Banned Commands

Any usage of any command with all, others

Jail - Only use if a player is keep running as you are trying to do a moderation action on them, punishment is 40 mininute ban

Freeze - Only use if a player is keep running as you are trying to do a moderation action on them, punishment is 40 mininute ban

Speed - Use only if you are trying to do a moderation action on someone or catch a exploiter and cant get there name, max speed is 45 Default speed is 16 Sprint speed is 25 Punishment is Verbal Warning - Reason behind this is because it can be fail-roleplaying

Team - You can team YOURSELF and NOT OTHERS Punishment is Verbal Warning - reason behind this, ruins my game rev :sob:

Disco - It’s annoys players and generally not allowed Punishment is a Verbal Warning

Give - Only to yourself you cant give it to OTHERS Punishment is a Verbal Warning

Glitch - Only with the targets permission

Lag - Not allowed, punishment is a 1 day ban

Kill - only to kill abusive players otherwise not allowed, Punishment is a verbal warning

Respawn - only to respawn abusive players othwise not allowed, punishment is a verbal warning

m - Only for important announcements, otherwise will result in the boot from the server

sm - Only for important announcements, otherwise you get a warning off the book, keep doing so then you get a Verbal warning on the book. LOCKED TO HEAD MODERATOR+

god - Using god to kill/give damage is not allowed, otherwise if your not killing/giving damage then its allowed IF YOUR ON ADMIN ON DUTY TEAM Punishment is a Verbal warning

Music Not allowed Punishment is a 1 day ban

Mute Not allowed, unless its a spammer or radio spammer, punishment is 1 day ban

Kick - Only use if you are kicking exploits or players exceeding warnings of 3 Punishment is a 2 day ban

Warn - Only use if you are warning a user reasonably Punishment is a 20 minute ban or kick

Clearwarnings - Only Head Moderators+
Ban - Don’t use instead us :gban then :kick so they are globally banned from all servers LOCKED TO HEAD MODERATOR+

Unban - Don’t use has no point, to unban use are trello and delete the card, Only Senior Head Moderators may unban

Tban - Don’t use instead us :gban then :kick so they are globally banned from all servers LOCKED TO HEAD MODERATOR+

Team - Only use if your teaming yourself or abusive players, otherwise don’t use.

gban - Global Bans the user in all servers then only banning them from the server you are in, Punishment is you are fired plus a 2 week ban if found abusing this. LOCKED TO HEAD MODERATOR+

dlog - (required) Log your bans. Punishments if fail to log Verbal warning from SHM+ once hit 3 warnings your fired for gban abuse. + gban abuse punishment. LOCKED TO HEAD MODERATOR COMMAND NO LONGER WORKS, PLEASE USE ADMIN PANEL


How to use gban & dlog

For Head Moderators+

!gban Builderman AA(Admin Abuse)
dlog dlog Is no longer a command, please use the mod panel
(Side-note do not include spaces only time can include spaces is for proof otherwise it breaks)
!dlog Builderman ban 3d AA

Notice & Information

Notice: All commands are logged from Moderator- Head Developer, no chance of us not seeing you admin abuse.
:dlogs: are sent to are discord.
:gbans: sent to are trello to be globally done.
Senior Head Moderators: to give someone admin and it to be globally done run !gadmin playername reason (required, use this then :mod or :admin)
Reports: all reports are sent to are discord server which are seen by Head Moderators+

Players Commands & Information

Player Commands

Run !help or !modcall to send a mod call, specificity run !help Which allows you to send a mod call but it also notify’s the moderator(s) in-game, if any.

VIP Server Admin

Please note this image is not updated, may change or vary ^

Moderation Notice

Notice: You are NOT given adonis admin commands, game will give you HD Admin commands. This is so incase you guys don’t spam are admin logs.and when game gets more popular it will be hard to filter out abusive false bans that are global.

HD Admin Prefix is ;
Run ;cmds to view all commands you have
You are able to give users admin in your server and it will Save

Server Owner Commands
!serverconfig Configure your servers LOCKED TO SERVER OWNER

Current Administrative Staff ( Head Moderators+ )

DrxpLoxs - OWNER - Winner of the worst admin of the year


We have all rights to revoke ban appeals, as this is OUR OWN game we have all rights to kick you for any reason or ban you for any reason. Feel this was abuse report it us, do not question the reasoning of a lead moderator+
Appeal here: Site down temporary according to rbxTech & Rampage Studios Engineers working on development on rampage studios site

Ban Times & Punishments


  • Head Moderators up to 1 week
  • Senior Head Moderators up to 2 months
  • Lead Moderator up to 2 years
  • Developers up to 2 months - They are SHMs But also Development team
  • Owners up to infinity

Standard punishments. Some offensives may be longer then stated here.

  • 1-day ban;
  • 3-day ban;
  • 1-week ban;
  • 2-week ban;
  • permanent ban.


Becoming a head moderator & discord warning

To become a head moderator donate at our pateron or be selected during applications, Pateron & Application announcements are stated/announced at our discord server, as a discord server owner we are required to enforce this discord terms of services rule that all members inside of the discord are required to be over the age of 13 years and older, we have all rights to kick/ban you from the server if we feel you are under the age of 13.

Have any questions? Message Senior Head Moderator+ they are trained to handle questions
Credits: Area 11 | Credits Dashboard
Rules: Area 11 | gameplay rules
Game Under CC-BY-SA 3.0
Credits too SCP Wiki for SCP ideas, uniform layout ideas, team names and logos. Rest of credits towards the respected developers found in are credits