Area 47 Regulations

1.1 - Roblox Terms of Use & Community Guidelines

1.2 - No Abusing the Report System

Reports should be submitted only when witnessing a user actively violating the established rules.

1.3 - No Command Abuse

Instances of command abuse include, but are not limited to:

  • Initiating a vote-kick without a valid reason (vote-kicking is reserved for rule-breakers).
  • Classifying a user as Class-E without a justifiable cause.

1.4 - No Abusing Alarms / Voice Announcements

  • Repeatedly activating/sounding the alarms, through clicking a button, or selecting an announcement through the control room announcement panel
  • Spamming / Sending troll or random announcements

1.5 - No Disrupting Gameplay

  • Jumping on player’s heads after being asked/told to stop
  • Intentionally annoying players via using shield or other tools
  • Encouragement of rule violations
  • Arguing with players in the radio / refusing to stop arguing after a moderator has informed them to cease (radio or not)
  • Intentionally using absurd accessories to interfere with roleplay or to have a combat advantage

1.6 - Evading Bans

The creation of alternative accounts to circumvent an active ban is strictly prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in a permanent ban to your main account.

1.7 - No Breaching SCPs

Purposely breaching SCPs is forbidden for all teams except Chaos Insurgency and Class-D. SCPs are permitted to breach other SCPs.

1.8 - No Bypassing of the Termination System

2.1 - No camping

Camping is defined as:

  • Remaining at spawn-points of any team.
  • Occupying the CI sewer (within the tunnels or immediate entrance).
  • Stationing outside the CI sewer tunnels entrance (excluding entrances/exits within the facility).
  • Engaging in CI Tunnel Camping, including actively killing CI vent-exiting players without cause.
  • Killing Class-D in the CDCZ beyond the termination line as an SCP.

2.2 - Continuous Infractions

Persistent rule violations may lead to a temporary removal from the game, with a potential permanent ban for continuous repeated infractions.

2.3 - No Class-D Pushing

  • Detaining Class-D across the termination line (also a violation of 2.7)
  • Pushing Class-D across the termination line
  • Verbally or physically forcing them to cross the termination line

2.4 - No Glitching

Examples of glitching include:

  • Glitching through doors
  • Glitching through walls
  • Lag switching
  • Using glitches for player advantage
  • Getting outside of the map via use of the SCP-173 teleport feature.
  • Intentionally using SCP-999 for combat purposes/making yourself effectively in godmode
  • Using certain glitches to remove your username from above your head

2.5 - No Staff Impersonation

2.6 - No Radio Misuse

Use the radio responsibly; avoid bypassing, spamming, or disrespecting other players.

2.7 - No Tool Abuse

Arrest Tool:

  1. Do not arrest players through walls or windows.
  2. Do not arrest with your cloak enabled.
  3. Do not arrest players who have already been terminated for cash.
  4. Do not unauthorize Class-D and then arrest them.


  1. Do not detain with your cloak enabled (detaining the user and then enabling your cloak)
  2. Do not detain users on the Chaos Insurgency team.
  3. Do not detain a Class-D that is rioting.
  4. You can detain Class-D that are out of the CDCZ but do not have the Termination tag.
  5. You cannot detain people out of sectors that they spawn inside of (i.e detaining an MTF that is level-1 out of his Spawn sector, which is Sector-3).
  6. Do not detain a player without a valid reason. Valid reasons for detain usage are:
  • Detaining players who have violated the Area-47 game rules

  • Detaining players away who have stepped within the detain zone of a VIP

  • Detaining players who gave you permission to detain them with roleplay intent

  • Detaining players out of your office (SiD, TA)

Note: You may not detain players out of the meeting room, you can however Class - E the player if they are trolling in the meeting room.

Note: If a player is Class-E’d, you’re allowed to detain them into the CE cells if they exit the cells.

Authorization Tool (Auth Tool):

  1. Authorising Class-D for any purpose other than an SCP test, Medical Checkups or meetings with site command.


  1. Do not taze a player for no reason.
  2. Do not taze a player for no reason, especially after being asked to stop.
  3. Do not use the tazer on anyone but Class-D and Chaos Insurgents.


  1. Do not use the baton to make a Class-D sit down if they do not have the “Terminate” tag.
  2. Do not use the baton on Class-D who do not have the “Terminate” tag.
  3. Do not use the baton on Class-D the window ledge if they don’t have the terminate tag.


  1. Do not use the shield to block doorways.
  2. Do not use the shield to bug, hover, or fly.

Shock shield:

  1. Do not use the Shock shield to shock random players for no reason.
  2. Do not use the Shock shield to force a player to unequip their weapon
  3. Do not use the Shock shield to terminate players, the shield should only be used to protect a VIP if a player gets too close to your VIP

It should be noted that Shock shields follow the same/similar guidelines as the “Detain Zones”.

2.9 - No XP Farming

Attempting to circumvent the AFK Timeout system for XP gain is not allowed.

3.1 - No Advertising

3.2 - Gaming the System

“Gaming the System” (or “Loopholing”) refers to exploiting flaws or making assumptions about rules to bypass them. Such attempts to bypass the rules are subject to punishment.