Area 47: SCP Roleplay [Rules & Game Guide]

While playing Area-47, players are required to follow the rules as to not ruin the fun for other users. We have an active moderation team always handling reports sent in by players. Ensure that you read these rules carefully so you’re not found to be breaking any.

We do not offer any form of refunds if moderation action is taken on your account for violating our rules. Follow the rules, and play fair, otherwise suffer the consequences.

1.1 - Follow the Roblox Terms of Use & Community Guidelines
Following the pre-established rules of the platform is required while playing our game. You can find the links to these rulebooks here:

Terms of Use:

Community Guidelines:

1.2 - No Abusing the Report System
Our moderators work tirelessly to provide a quality experience for our players. Abusing the report button takes away time from our team that could be used dealing with real problems.
Only make a report if you see a user actively breaking the rules.

1.3 - No Command Abuse
When playing as a gamepass role like The Administrator, Site Director, or O5 Council, you are given special commands that other users do not have. Abusing these commands is prohibited.

Here are some examples of command abuse (but not limited to):

  • Votekicking users without a valid reason. (only rule-breakers should be vote-kicked)
  • Class-E’ing a user without a good reason. (only rule-violations are valid reasons for Class-E’ing)
  • Class-E’ing or successfully votekicking an on-duty moderator.

1.4 - No Abusing Alarms / Announcements
Repeatedly activating/sounding the alarms, through clicking a button, or selecting an announcement through the announcement panel, is annoying to all players in the server. This is not tolerated. Alarms are to only be sounded when there is an active situation in-game that meets the criteria.

1.5 - No Advertising
Advertising in Area-47 is prohibited. “Advertising” means directing players to play another game, bypassing the filter and sending links off-site, or anything to have a player purchase a product you’ve created.

1.6 - Evading Bans
Using an alternative account to bypass or evade an active ban is prohibited. If you are banned, do not create another account to join the game, this will cause your main account to be permanently banned. Reminder: We do not offer refunds under any circumstances for moderation actions taken on your account.

1.7 - No Breaching SCPs
Purposely breaching SCPs is prohibited on all teams except for Chaos Insurgency and Class-D. SCPs are allowed to breach other SCPs, SCP-096 can breach SCP-049 for example, however SCP-999 is not allowed to breach other SCPs.

Moderation severity on rule 1.7 ranges from moderator-to-moderator. So it’s best to not break this crucial rule.

1.8 - No Bypassing of the Termination System
When you cross the line as a Class-D, you’re given a termination tag, allowing you to be terminated by foundation members.

Some examples of bypassing include (but not limited to):

  • Avoiding the termination tag by abusing a building glitch.
  • Avoiding the termination tag by abusing an in-game glitch.
  • Avoiding the termination tag by the use of exploits. (also a violation of rule 1.9)

1.9 - No Exploiting
Exploitation of the game is strictly prohibited. It is immediately met with a permanent ban.

Some examples of exploit include (but not limited to):

  • Injecting scripts into the game.
  • Editing values stored on the client.
  • Exploiting remote events.
  • Generic exploits, such as flying, flinging, invincibility, etc.

2.1 - No Camping
Camping is considered camping when you are found to be (but not limited to):

  • Camping spawn-points of any team.
  • Camping inside of the CI tunnels (inside of the tunnel).
  • Camping the warehouse.

2.2 - No Continuous Infractions
If you continue to violate our rules, you’ll be removed from Area-47 as a whole. Once you have reached an internal amount of infractions, you will be permanently removed from the game.

2.3 - No Class-D Pushing
When Class-D cross the termination line in the CDCZ, they are able to be terminated. Some players use this to their advantage to abuse their power in the game.

Here are some examples of Class-D pushing (but not limited to):

  • Detaining Class-D across the termination line.
  • Pushing Class-D across the termination line.
  • Verbally or physically forcing them to cross the termination line.

2.4 - Riot Wall Rules
The riot wall comes down during extremely hostile situations in the CDCZ. The only people that should be shooting at the riot wall is Class-D and Chaos Insurgency.
If you are found breaking the wall as a Foundation member, you are in violation of rule 2.4 and will be moderated by staff.

2.5 - No Glitching
Using unfair methods to obtain an advantage over other players is a violation of our rules.

Here are some examples (but not limited to) of glitching:

  • Glitching through doors
  • Glitching through walls
  • Lag switching
  • Using glitches for player advantage

2.6 - No Staff Impersonation
Do not attempt to impersonate Bulk Games Moderators.
Do not attempt to impersonate Bulk Games staff.
Do not attempt to impersonate Bulk Games development team.

2.7 - No Radio Misuse
Do not use the radio inappropriately to bypass, spam, or disrespect other players.

Some examples of radio misuse include (but not limited to):

  • Spamming
  • Discriminatory speech (breaking Roblox community rules)
  • Bypassing (breaking Roblox community rules)

2.8 - No Spamming
Do not repeatedly spam SCP-513 (the Bell), spam the radio, spam the chat, or flood the radio.

Some examples of spamming include (but not limited to):

  • Radio spamming
  • Radio flooding
  • Spamming chat with the same message / excessive messaging
  • Ringing SCP-513 to purposely annoy others.

2.9 - No Tool Abuse
Do not abuse the tools you are given in the game.

Tools you cannot abuse include (but not limited to):

  • Arrest Tool:
  1. Do not arrest players through walls or windows.
  2. Do not arrest with your cloak enabled.
  3. Do not arrest players who have already been terminated for cash.
  4. Do not unauthorize Class-D and then arrest them.
  • Detain Tools
  1. Do not detain a player through walls or windows. (only allowed for guarding RP purposes, like moving your VIP into another room through a door to protect them, holding or releasing outside of the map is not allowed)
  2. Do not detain with your cloak enabled.
  3. Do not detain users on the Chaos Insurgency team.
  4. Do not detain a Class-D that is rioting.
  5. Do not detain a player without a valid reason.
  6. Do not detain a player outside of a restricted area. (rule pending deletion, but is still in effect)
  7. Do not target a single player with your detain tool.
  • Authorization Tool (Auth Tool)
  1. Do not authorize a Class-D to help them escape.
  2. Do not authorize a Class-D that is not wanting to be tested, especially if they say to stop.
  3. Do not authorize a rioting Class-D.
  4. Do not un-authorize a Class-D already authorized by another player for any reason.
  5. Do not un-authorize a Class-D that was authorized for a valid reason.
  • Tazer
  1. Do not tase a player for no reason.
  2. Do not tase a player multiple times, especially after being asked to stop.
  3. Do not use the tazer on anyone but Class-D and Chaos Insurgents.
  • Shield
  1. Do not use the shield to block doorways.
  2. Do not use the shield to bug, hover, or fly.

3.0 - No XP (Experience Points) Farming
Do not attempt to bypass the AFK Timeout system for XP. This system is in place so you are required to play and learn the game to level up and unlock access to more teams.

Some examples of XP Farming (but not limited to):

  • Using auto-clickers/spamming tools to trick AFK timeout system.
  • Remaining in the same place for 10 minutes without any visible movement.
  • Standing idle on the border of the map outside of the facility for over 2 minutes (in order to hide from moderators and other players).

Thank you for taking the time to read our rules! A new game guide is coming and will be added to this post within the next few days! We’ll let you know when it’s out in our announcements channel!

REMEMBER! Our rules are ALWAYS subject to change without notice. Please check in regularly to make sure you’re still following proper rules!