Welcome to @MaxMates’s SCPF.
This game was brought to you by the [SCPF] Special Containment Procedures Foundation, here you can play various of teams (ScD, SD, MTF and much more). To rank up you need to apply in the Application center.
Note to follow the rules so you wont be banned
1. Do not break the Roblox ToS - Do not break the Roblox ToS, it has all the rules that apply for Roblox. If not following these rules will result in a ban.
2. Follow the Roblox Community Guidlines - Follow the Roblox Community Guidlines, they apply to every game you play. If not following it, it will result in a ban.
3. Do not exploit - Exploiting or glitching will result in a ban.
4. Tolerate - Tolerate other people: Religion, race, etc.
5. Radio Spam - Do not spam the radio, it is important for communcation. Otherwise it will result in a kick.
6. Do not argue with the HRC - Do not argue with the HRC (High Ranking Command).
7. Do not breach SCP’s as a FP (Foundation personnel) - Breaching a SCP as a FP will result in a warning.
8. Do not advertise - Advertising a other group/game, etc. will result in a kick.
9. Do not spam - Spamming will result in a warning.
10. Do not enter the vents - Entering the vents will result in a warning. Unless you are Class-Disposable, Chaos Insurgency, MTF, RRT or IA and ISD.
11. Do not Detain Abuse - Abusing the Detain tool will result in a warning.
12. Do not camp the vents - Camping the vents will result in a warning.
13. Do not try to bypass the Roblox chatfilter - Bypassing the Roblox chatfilter will result in a warning. Unless you are a Level-3+.
Following the rules will help you not being banned.
If you have any question ask the HRC.
That’s all, bye.
The Administrator @MaxMates
Vice Administrator N/A
The Overwatch N/A