Area Midground Design

This is pretty much the first area in my game. I’m mainly curious about the islands in the background, and if 3 is a good amount to have; it still feels a bit empty imo, but maybe that’s just me.
I’m optimizing this game as much as possible while still having it look good, so adding more islands would be no problem whatsoever in terms of performance.


Great details and buildings. The background is perfect, and blurred almost perfectly.
Make sure your character has more spreading shadows, as this seems as a very realistic design.
You don’t have to, but I think it would look better with more open shadows.

im confused with what you mean by “spreading/open shadows” on the character. Do you mean making them opaque so they actually have a shadow?

It looks amazing!
But I’m a little confused about the first build, it looks a little weird but other than that It’s really good!

that one’s more of just a placeholder for now