I’ve been working on this FPS project for around 7 days now, if you don’t know this game is based around Quake and it’s movement and arena like gameplay.
Here is some gameplay so far.
I’ve programmed everything myself, the models are from Quake and so are the sounds, don’t worry I wont be releasing it like it is, they are just placeholders until I feel like opening Blender.
Feedback would be appreciated, the game is nearly like 2000 lines of code now, so nothing huge, but for seven days I feel it’s pretty solid.
The lightning effects were made by me in After Effects and Photoshop, they are just fancy beams.
This is the song in the background
Consoles are clean, doesn’t mean much as for all you know I could be hiding it all with a pcall
but you’ll just have to trust me I guess.
Full Feature List:
- Fully modular weapon framework with two weapon types so far (Hitscan Laser, Hitscan Shotgun)
- Custom movement similar to Quake, I did not implement full Quake movement as I don’t want Bhopping.
- Jump pads, as well as directional jump pads.
- Custom spawn algorithm to prevent spawn camping.
- Kill Log
- Player List
- Custom nametags
- Serverside world models
- Damage indicators
- Custom debug menu
- Kinda fun
- and more stuff I can’t remember because my IQ must be like at most 3.