Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

Yes. It’s still in BETA so there’s bugs still. Though, the features are nice and easy.

@Dervex I would recommend making the titlebar of the argon popout say the name of the studio instance regardless of whether it’s connected or running, seems more intuitive that way

Awesome plugin! It makes iterating on development extremely quick and easy for my use case. I’m excited to see what’s to come from future updates.


Is there any plans in the future to support custom project structures? I would love to have my Source/Shared go into ReplicatedStorage. Also is there any plans to fully support Wally? It’s a pain to constantly drag Packages into ReplicatedStorage, unless I am unaware of Wally settings that lets me assign the path for the Packages folder.

It’s not possible to create custom project structures. You’d have to create folders with their respective service names. Again, currently wally isn’t supported, but hoping to see it sometime in the near future.

I’ve been using Rojo for quite some time and Rojo supports custom project structures:

"ReplicatedStorage": {
     "Shared": {
          "$path": "Source/Shared"

     "Client": {
          "$path": "Source/Client"

     "Packages": {
          "$path": "Packages"

     "DevPackages": {
          "$path": "DevPackages"

Is this not something the Argon developer can implement in the future? I am fine with following the intended structure if it isn’t something the developer sees fit for Argon. Also I am excited for Wally support if and when ever it’s planned, I will definitely return to Argon if so.

Edit: fixed tabbing.


I will add both support for Wally and custom directories in next update, which will be final release update (1.0.0). I’m working on other features as well so it might take some time to release this update but I think it will be ready in like 2 days.

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You are a legend! Thank you so much for the fast reply! This resource is an absolute god-send. I can see myself switching over to this, especially since my dev team sticks with just Studio!

@Dervex Two things:

First, when I had two instances of studio running, one connected to VSCode via Argon, the other not, in the one not connected via argon, which is a completely different place, I double clicked a script named TEST and it opened a script named TEST in Argon. Perhaps the solution is disable opening in a external editor when its not connected.

Also what’s the procedure for opening multiple studio instances with argon to separate VS Code projects at the same time?

Will fix that!

Use different port e.g. 8001

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You’d have to change the setting again, wouldn’t you?

Wdym? You can’t host two servers at the same address so that’s the only way to do that.

Oh. I thought you were talking about connecting to 2 servers at the same time. Sorry for the misunderstanding.

Argon 1.0.0


  • Argon is no longer in beta
  • Added global stats badges and website
  • Added “Remove Studio Shortcut” setting
  • Added support for custom service directories, suggested by @dz_Scy
  • Added support for “Start local server” option in playtest commands
  • Added back support for custom instances in “StarterPlayer”
  • Plugin title now uses VSC workspace name by default and updates in real time
  • VSC status bar icon now displays current server address
  • Improved Roblox plugin UI scaling
  • Improved websocket managing
  • Updated local website
  • Updated wiki

Global stats

Added global stats website and custom badges (currently only on GitHub repo):


All data is gathered 100% anonymously, you can check that here and here. API endpoint and database are hosted on Firebase with analytics DISABLED!

New UI scaling

New local website

More data in status bar icon


Custom directories

Remove Studio Shortcut setting

Future plans

With release of this version updates will noticeably slow down. That’s because I added almost everything I wanted and I want to continue work on my other projects. Obviously any bugs will be fixed as soon as possible - that won’t change. But any suggestions will be added after some time (1-2 weeks). Last big feature that I sill didn’t add is: CLI. I will probably start working on this in the next month as this feature requires rewriting almost whole server side of Argon (that’s because it currently heavily relies on VSC’s API).


You sir are a god-send! This update is phenomenal, thank you!

Sorry if this is off topic but what does Argon exactly do? I don’t completely understand it.

Does it port Visual Studio Code over to Roblox and convert it to Luau?

Waited for so long, it was really worth waiting! Amazing update and as always, thank you so much! This is obviously helpful to a lot of people. Thank you once again!

Argon is a plugin and an extension to work on your projects from VSC instead of going on over to Roblox Studio. Meaning you can work externally. Obviously, you do need to have Roblox studio in order to port your files into Roblox studio.

Sorry, had to disturb at this moment but for some reason, when you don’t have the $className property in the json file, the tree is underlined.


Again, when I put the $className inside of it, it goes away. Perhaps you missed it or something else?

when no wally support

please don’t take this too seriously

Hmm that’s weird, I already updated json schema for that so $className should no longer be required. Also I don’t have this message popping out so make sure you updated Argon extension, if you did try restarting VSC and finally you can try removing old version of Argon in %USERPROFILE%\.vscode\extensions.

Wally should be working with Argon now, if it’s not I will have to fix that. I didn’t test it because I don’t use third party packages.


It’s alright. You’ve already contributed more than enough.

I’ll try restarting VSC to see if it works. Thanks for your time.

Nope, no luck. Tried uninstalling Argon from VSC as well. Did not work. It seems like it underlines tree and StarterPlayer. I just don’t understand why and why it should be happening. You got any ideas?