Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

yeah i saw that, wait im going to send you some pics ok? I fixed, but i have an another bug. I can’t create a part from Argon.

You know that .ClassName is no longer supported?

You need to create .properties file and then set its class. Please read post above, it explains everything!

If you find more “bugs” please give me more detailed info bc “I can’t create a part from Argon” doesn’t really help.

Oh thanks, sorry, when i will find an naother bug i will write more things.

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There is any form to copy and paste the “.properties.json” file?

CTRL+C, CTRL+V. If you want to apply new properties immediately just press CTRL+S in the new .properties file.

where should i copy from? I’m really confused.

Oh I thought you already have .properties files in different instances.

You can just enable property syncing and .properties files will generate automatically (after porting to VSC).

If you want to do it manually just create .properties file by yourself, and add Class property like in the video from previous post.

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While I was sleeping, Argon not updated once, but twice. What the heck? Bro the snippet executor and status bar icon are sick! I wonder what comes next. Good job on the plugin as always!

Not sure if it’s an issue on my end, but I launched studio and it opened but it ended up saying that it failed?

I think you should update your original post so that new users don’t get confused. (My tutorial on it is already old and doesn’t work with the current version)

New error discovered?!

Also, not sure if this was intentional but maybe change it so that the Argon icon in the status bar is actually visible before even starting?

also, please add support for the dynamic title changes.

That’s really weird, I don’t have this error and unfortunately there is nothing really I can do to fix that bc that’s how the code looks like:

(Obviously I could just remove error notification but I think that’s not the best solution)

Yeah that’s true, I was thinking about updating tutorials like 2 weeks ago but I knew that I will add and change even more stuff so I think that now it’s the perfect time.

Maybe some more details?

That’s not possible it would require extension to always start regardless if you are writing lua code


Make it so that when you change the name in the json file, it changes in the title of the widget.

Sorry, I could not understand

Open this for more explanation on what I suggested.

So basically, can you make it so that the icons at the status bar are visible like any other normal extension icon?

icons like these


It’s just a disturbing notification, but I feel like not removing it might be better. I’ll check if I’ve more problems.

Not sure how I got this either. I was just testing out the new update and playing around with the default.project.json file when this happened.

By the way, I had a question. What things do the json file support right now other than the name?

To apply changes just disconnect and connect to server again, I won’t be adding event listener just for such a small thing.

But it is already a thing:

As you can see it is only visible in workspaces with lua code or default.project.json file so that’s what I was talking about.

The only reason why I added this is to support tooling such as Roblox LSP. But the only variables that are actually used by Argon are name and directory (you can set custom path to src folder there).

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I guess yeah.

Weird. I have to connect and then disconnect for it to appear. Looks I gotta fix some stuff in my pc. Thanks for your time tho :sweat:

I can’t understand this error:

Edit: I don’t know why it happened, but it was just because of Fusion?

This error says that Argon tried to set property “Enabled” to folder instance, which is obviously not possible bc folders don’t have such a property.

Could you send my pic of your explorer inside vsc? That error is probably caused .properties file inside ReplicatedStorage.Packages.Fusion.Dependencies

I rechecked every time but there’s literally no property files inside of it, but here it is:

Oh just found the problem. You are probably running compatibility mode which changes .source files to init.

Argon is just checking if file starts with “init” or “.source” to check if file should be script with children thus “initDependecy” is interpreted as script with children.

So I will fix that in the next update!

EDIT: @AridTheDev here is unreleased version of Argon with this bug fixed along with some other changes:

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Argon 0.6.4 and 0.6.5


  • Finished Argon wiki
  • Updated plugin window behavior when playtesting and closing
  • Updated markdowns
  • Added connection status to Roblox plugin icon, suggested by @ecndm70
  • Added option to automatically switch to Studio when using execute snippet command
  • Improved script with children detection, thanks to @AridTheDev
  • Improved status bar icon

This is an important update as the Argon wiki has been added, take a look:


Getting Started


There is also a new demo:

And obviously main post got updated too so check it out.

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This is a really good update. Argon wiki, window behaviour, improved functionality and display. Really good job!

Nice update! Is Argon still in Beta or something else?