Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

Argon is a bit different from rojo. $className property in the json file isn’t actually a valid property. You don’t need to define it. Also, you cannot set custom names for the services as it won’t port that to Roblox. You need to name it by its service name for example, instead of “Shared”, do “ReplicatedStorage”.

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Yup I see that now. Bummer I can’t have a fully customized project structure but I guess both come with equal cons and pros. I have found myself sticking with what Argon supports and I find having the projection structure match DataModel’s structure to be more appealing anyway, thanks!

:bug: :beetle:


@dz_Scy just wanted you to know.

EDIT: for some reason when you create custom path error message pops up in Studio, for now just ignore it, will fix that today.

Well I swear to god that it works for me without "$className": "DataModel". But I’m gonna add this property to make script linking work for everyone, not just for me.

Oh weird, didn’t work for me before. I’m not sure what’s wrong as I literally reset my laptop a few weeks ago. It’s like my laptop’s cursed.

Just a theory, but I think it’s because of Roblox LSP? Maybe LSP requires that prop?

That’s 100% because of Roblox LSP. But it seems like it already knows that it is Roblox’s data model for me? Idk, doesn’t really matter as you found solution for that!

Maybe you have something or 2 configured in some way? Idk, but at least, we found it out ig?

I will release update today with fixes for all of those weird bugs.

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Good, cuz this has been literally the weirdest moments of a resource I’ve ever experienced :sweat_smile:

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Ah I see, thank you! Well I definitely must be doing something wrong or I don’t have stuff updated properly because it won’t work for me :frowning:. I get warnings to the console but it actually never ports it to Roblox.

I’m gonna give it another shot today!

I recommend you wait for the 1.0.2 update that I’m working on rn. It will be available in 20mins - 1hour.

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Sounds like a plan and no rush, take your time! This resource is great and I believe it offers more to me than Rojo, especially since some of my devs on my team stick with just pure Studio. Looking forward to it!

Alright version 1.0.2 is live! Let me know if it solved your problem.


Ah yes it works now! Thank you so much!

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Ah, yes. Of course you gotta be cool when you drop an update :sunglasses:

Jokes aside, thanks for releasing the fix to the earlier weird bugs.

The workflow is literally so smooth.

this is my first time installing the vscode extension and i think i found a bug…

Argon uses some Windows exclusive features so that MIGHT be causing this problem. I ordered new MacBook like one day ago so in the next month I will be able to make Argon work on macOs either.

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thank you for replying, please notify me when the update is realeased! :raised_hands:

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So I’ve noticed another issue which may be something wrong with my configuration. Wally packages that contain TestEZ code are not ignored so script analysis is just flooded with warnings and errors. Is there a way to ignore certain file names (patterns, anything) from getting synced to Roblox or is this a planned feature?

Edit: I am unaware of any settings to do this natively with Wally.
Also Rojo automatically ignores TestEZ code, I never see anything related to TestEZ imported to Roblox.