Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

Argon just came out, and Rojo is a bit too complicated then Argon. If you feel like Rojo is the right thing for you, good for you, but Argon is the nice fit for me and it is so easily good for my workflow.

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Okay so I just released port to VS Code feature. ITā€™S NOT FINISHED! Everything gets ported except script source. I will fix that tomorrow because now Iā€™m half asleep because itā€™s almost 3 am at my place. Here is quick demo:


Sick! Canā€™t wait to try it out

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SickkkkK!! Canā€™t wait for porting a game to be outā€¦

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I dont know, if i want argon and rojo for example to put scripts in serverscriptservice it will conflict with each other


It should not cause any errors but everything will be duplicated I guess. I didnā€™t test this. But why would use both Argon and Rojo at the same time?

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well, because we can use stuff unsupported with rojo(? in the future), and stuff unsupported with argon, for instance roblox-ts.

Well you can try using both at the same time but I donā€™t have any plans to integrate Argon with Rojo.


Argon 0.0.4 is now live!
In this update I finished port to VS Code feature so now you can test this plugin with ease.

Take a look at this demo:

(This generated project weights about 50 KBs!)

I also added following options to VSC extension:

As a reminder here are the links for:

This plugin is still in early stage of development so various bugs may occur. If you find any bugs let me know so I can fix them asap.


I would like some .exe (or .js etc) that can be used in terminals

I will look into that after I finish my current goals. Tho Iā€™m not sure if it will be possible because this extension utilizes VS Code API.


  18:34:32.648  The current identity (5) cannot set a Character's name (lacking permission 4)
  18:34:32.648  Stack Begin
  18:34:32.648  Script 'cloud_11263738833.Argon.Main.FileHandler', Line 30 - function parse
  18:34:32.648  Script 'cloud_11263738833.Argon.Main.FileHandler', Line 43 - function getChildren
  18:34:32.648   ā–¶ Script 'cloud_11263738833.Argon.Main.FileHandler', Line 41 - function getChildren (x3)
  18:34:32.649  Script 'cloud_11263738833.Argon.Main.FileHandler', Line 194 - function portInstances
  18:34:32.649  Script 'cloud_11263738833.Argon.Main.GuiHandler', Line 251 - function portToVS
  18:34:32.649  Stack End

This error when porting to VSC


I know what causes this problem Iā€™m gonna fix that right now. Could you tell what is the name of this instance that causes that problem?

Alright just updated the Roblox plugin so please install latest version.

I really donā€™t see why we should use this over Rojo.

You lose out on a lot of tooling that makes Rojo worth it- the project.json files make a lot of tooling run. I believe that selene, wally, Luau LSP, Roblox LSP, roblox-ts, all require project.json files and meta.json files. Rojo also has CLI, which allows you to do things like build standalone Wally packages.


I donā€™t know what you mean by ā€œItā€™s for small teams using Robloxā€™s Luauā€. Rojo doesnā€™t make any assumptions or have any design based on how large a team is- you can use it solo completely fine. With 3-5 people it works completely fine. You lose so much tooling by not following Rojoā€™s format- and that tooling is the reason many want to use Rojo in the first place.

As per the second part- thereā€™s almost no reasons to put code inside of instances anyway, as it gets extremely messy and screws with your achitecture. If you do though, as said, meta.json files exist for a reason- to let tooling like LSPs understand and give good intellisense. One of the pros for Rojo is that it forces you into this, which ensures better practices.


I was rather thinking about ā€œworking with ton of external frameworks, librariesā€.

You still donā€™t get it. I donā€™t wanna use any externals tools. If you do then just use Rojo and thatā€™s it.

As as mainly UI programmer I think itā€™s less messy to put code inside ScreenGui instance. If Iā€™m wrong then I just prefer that way.

As I said in one of my previous posts I thing that meta files are extremally inconvenient, at lest for me. About the LSPs I have plans to fork/commit to this extension. So in the future I will be supported in Argon too. Actually only thing that does not work is module scripts detection. But when your are using extensions like Tabnine it not that big problem.

So to sum up if you want to use external tools/frameworks/libraries just use Rojo. Argon fucuses on simplicity. And as a reminder I created this for myself only reason why I shared it is because I know there may be some niche of people who will find Argon useful.

I donā€™t wanna compete with Rojo I want to create something different that focuses on different things.


Rojo has been really annoying for me (death to .meta)

and I would rather end up using something way more simple as I donā€™t want to have to figure out how to use .meta and instead just have it work and rojo was not designed for using ignore unknown instances everywhere

this will end up really useful for me as the most tooling I do is Roblox LSP and a roblox snippet plugin
thank you :slight_smile:


Bookmarked. Donā€™t worry about the naysayers, thanks for a great resource.