Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

Rojo is a bit confusing and a lot of process to do, but this resource helps compact and make everything a lot simplier to use and more hassle free then Rojo. I like this resource because it’s more simple and good.

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This is an amazing resource and will help with simpler smaller projects. Keep up the good work!

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I’m trying to use argon on a game with a lot of fairly large scripts and I’m getting this message:
this doesn’t happen in my smaller games.

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Thanks for letting me know! I will look into that after I come home. Also could you take slightly bigger screenshot so I can see in which line does this issue happen?

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There is nothing else to show, that’s all it said. “Argon: Number of requests exceeded limit”

Alright I’m gonna figure out by my own then. I will add error ids which will help me identify problem easier.

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This happens to me whenever my game is larger and I have more scripts then usual.

Got it. I will be home in like 3 hours. The reason you are getting this error is because http request payload has limited json length. So I will change method that data is being transferred between Roblox and VSC.

EDIT: What’s your longest script? That could be a reason too.

I think i know the reason, and i had the same one when making my resource. http requests have a URI limit, Therefore warns whenever it hits.

Like 100-500, but I have a lot of modules and values being childrens of scripts

Yah it’s about 500 request per minute. I can’t send everything in one request tho because java script has limitations too.

Thats not what i mean. if you go over that 80 kb limit for URIS it will not send the request at all. (unless its in a body)

When you are porting the game data is being send in body so that’s not the case I think.

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@Bulldo344 @commitblue @Voidage

As I thought the problem is caused by exceeding Roblox’s http request limit (500 requests per minute).

There aro two possible solutions:

  • delaying porting for 1 minute after reaching the limit
  • merging instances into larger chunk

I will go with second option as it’s much more convenient but I’m not sure how long it will take to implement that. I’ll tag you when I’m done with this.

Argon 0.0.9 just released!

Major changes:

  • Merged changes by Almost89 in #1
  • Fixed issue reported by LawMixer, commitblue, Voidage which made users unable to port large places
  • Added support for renamed services
  • Added history service support
  • Added error ids
  • Added more icons

I will update the main post and README file in the next update!

Custom icons!

To activate that theme just press F1 > type: Preferences: File Icon Theme > select “Argon”.

(Class icons are not available because VS Code does not support patterns in folder name, you can read more here)

@Bulldo344 @commitblue @Voidage everything should be working now!


For some reason its not properly syncing for me (vscode to roblox)
I have it connected but its not created any instances is that not a thing with argon?

Could you send me some screenshots? E.g. of explorer in vsc. Are you getting any errors?

I’m not seeing any errors

I think theres some IF check preventing it from updating somewhere

First of all I can already see that you are not running latest version of Argon because I changed root folder icon. And I just recreated your scenario and everything works just fine. Look:

(I created whole directory inside vsc)

So I suggest you to update both Roblox plugin and VSC extension. If problem will still occur please dm me on devforum or on my discord (-DΛRK-#6969) and I will try to fix that.

Also check if you are syncing ReplicatedStorage inside settings tab.

I forgot plugins don’t autoupdate