Argon - Full featured tool for Roblox development

Do you have any plans on adding a whitelist system, as this plugin does contain a blacklist system. It’d be super nice to have a whitelist to list which instances/classes we want to use. overall good plugin

This plugin is probably one of my most favorites. Really like it, simple but very useful. Read through the post, and for the properties, I’d recommend making it like a normal text file, so for example (for a Frame):

Size =, 0, 1, 0)
Position =, 0, 0.5, 0)
AnchorPoint =, 0.5)
BackgroundColor3 =, 0, 0)
-- And more bla bla properties

That’s one thing I’d like to see in the future. One more thing is the UI. I like every part of the UI except the main one. The UI is just…


Please don’t take that rudely, but what I’m trying to say is the UI becomes weirdly sized when it is docked. But, other than that it’s just a very impressive plugin that I obviously am using. So yeah, like it a lot and good luck on it!

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@AridTheDev and @VanillaMokah thank you for the great suggestions!

I will add whitelist system and fix UI scaling in the following week.

Support for properties will be added later in the future as recently I’m very busy. I really appreciate your feedback tho!

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Found a bug.

While Argon is connected, and you start playing the game and you stop it, the UI actions of the plugin stops and you have to click on the plugin button to fix it. It’s not much of a problem, but some people might get confused on what to do when something like this happens.

Thanks for reporting this bug. Gonna fix that this week!

Also, please center the UI ,_.

I won’t do that because it’s not required, I’m gonna fix scaling instead.

Yeah, it looks weird when position liked that. Just fixing the scaling will fix the problem :sweat_smile:

Also, (I’m sorry if I’m asking too much, but) can you please stop Argon from turning itself on because that’s really annoying. It creates the argon.json file literally every time I open VSC or maybe if I have an src directory.


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Oh, my bad, haha. Didn’t knew that existed ._.

No problem, btw I’m working on all the features you suggested rn. Tho fixing this problem:

is nearly impossible as there are missing API features. Even rojo has similar issue.

I found the solution for that but it’s kinda sketchy.

I know man. Sometimes, thinking about doing simple things…

…isn’t that simple at all.

Of course, you may create a section for the bugs and alternative fixes for it until you get it done. Again, don’t push yourself, as your skill has proved your potential. So, get it done over time! Good luck!

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Argon 0.2.0 just released!

Here are the changes:

  • Added whitelist system for class filtering, suggested by @Punctuation
  • Fixed unclickable buttons after playtest, reported by @Arid
  • Fixed not displaying images on VS Marketplace
  • Fixed light theme and UI scaling
  • Tons of other UI optimizations and fixes
  • Updated some UI buttons
  • Updated VSC icons

@VanillaMokah as you suggested I added whitelist system take a look:

@AridTheDev I decided to center the UI instead of making it scale with the window as it looked like that:

I know I could fix wrong scaling when UI was too small, but this UI just looks bad when it’s extremely scaled so I think that centering it and keeping proper aspect ratio is better solution.


Oh I will definitely take a look at this. The main things that put me off of rojo were the one way sync (eventually argon will be 2-way I hope) and the rigid structure that makes you code “the rojo way”. I’m excited to see this in action and I’ll definitely keep an eye out for future versions!

Yeah, Argon will be supporting two way sync but ONLY* for code. Lately I’m very busy so I’m unable to add this feature but I think I will add this by the end of this year!

Argon is still in “preview” version, with the release of two way sync it will be fully released.

*I decided to support only code as listening for descendant added/changed/removed will be extremally performance heavy when working on a huge game.

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Even if it’s just code that will sync two way, that’s a selling point to me. As for syncing everything else, would there be an option to perform a one-time sync from roblox to VSCode for updating in case of major structure changes?

You can already do that in both ways:

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Now this is perfect! The plugin has a lot of potential now and the UI look very promising! This update is really cool! I love the changes you made! Glad to have a plugin like this! Good job!

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Argon 0.3.0 - huge update!


  • Added releases on Github
  • Added local website with Argon stats
  • Added option to sync only code (exclude empty instances)
  • Added option for VSC extension to suppress notifications
  • Connecting multiple clients to one Argon server is no longer possible
  • StarterPlayer no longer ports to VSC if StarterPlayerScripts and StarterCharacterScripts are empty
  • Fixed extension not stopping when plugin was still sending requests (temp fix by destroying websockets, this method will change when Electron adds support for node.js 18.2.0+))
  • Fixed notifications displaying twice when Argon got enabled with command
  • Fixed class filtering selector color on light mode
  • Fixed plugin auto run option
  • Various code optimizations

Local website

Now you can track some stats of current Argon session:
If you have any ideas for more stats, let me know!

Only Code mode

Now you can port only code and instances containing code with just one button:

GitHub releases

Now you can download both Roblox plugin and VSC extension directly from GitHub:

New hide notifications option

Now you can disable all Argon notifications:

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