Argument 2 Missing or Nil

function filterMessage(player, text, fromPlayerId)
	local TextService = game:GetService("TextService")
	local filteredText = ""
	local success, errorMessage = pcall(function()
		filteredTextResult = TextService:FilterStringAsync(text, fromPlayerId)
	if not success then
		warn("Error filtering text:", text, ":", errorMessage)
		-- Put code here to handle filter failure

function sendMessage(message, player)
	script.Parent.Messages.NoMessages.Visible = false
	local movmentPosition = -30 -- change - to 30 if you want it going down, but keep it minus for up. Change value accordingly for how far up/down you want it.

	for _,v in pairs(script.Parent.Messages.Messages:GetChildren()) do -- change to where your notifcations are located
		if v:IsA('TextLabel') then -- change this to what you are using as a notification 
			local msg = script.Parent.Messages.Template:Clone()
			msg.Text = message
			msg.Name = tostring(player)..": "..message
			msg.BackgroundTransparency = 0
			v.Position = v.Position +,0,movmentPosition,0)

game.ReplicatedStorage.SendStaffMessage.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(message, playerId)
	filterMessage(message, playerId)

Does anyone know what is wrong here?

It would help a lot if you said which line was throwing the error in the output window. “Argument 2 Missing or Nil” means that the second argument of the called function, such as,y,z) isn’t there, for example if you tried to do Once you get the line that’s throwing the error, you could easily figure out why. For example, this shows the line the error is on as line 6 of Workspace.Script: image

Line 8 is giving the error.


Which line is like 8? It looks like this isn’t the full script, so the 8th line of the script you provided might not match up.

The first argument of OnServerEvent is the player who fired the RemoteEvent from their client. So the “message” parameter stands for the player, which is detected by the script like that. In the first line of the script, it couldn’t perceive the fromPlayerId parameter. Simply

game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").SendStaffMessage.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, message, playerId)

The exact error begins with that line. warn shows the error why it is occurring. And yes, don’t forget to add this if you want to use the player in your function.

filterMessage(player, message, playerId)
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		warn("Error filtering text: "..text..":".. errorMessage)