- What do you want to achieve?
Hi there. I am currently working on my own module service, though I’m having a problem with one of my functions.
- What is the issue?
I have a module function, and it looks like this:
function RevampService.BasicTween(gameObject, propertyTransform, propertyVector, numTime)
local ts = game:GetService("TweenService")
if numTime then
ts:Create(gameObject,TweenInfo.new(numTime), {propertyTransform = propertyVector}):Play()
Basically, you can see what I’m going for.
You can see my function call below:
rs:BasicTween(workspace.Part, "Size", Vector3.new(4, 17.126, 2), 5)
So, for some reason the actual error I’m getting has something to do with the tween info and one of my function arguments. I’m getting this error:
This only errors when calling the function, though the ‘numTime’ argument is being called as a number in my function call script as the codeblock above shows.
- What solutions have you tried so far?
I looked for the same issues on the developer forum, then went the the developer hub. Found no answers. I tried debugging but nothing.