Arm Wrestling System

How would I go about making an arm wrestling system like Arm Wrestle. By this I mean where you fight an NPC with a power and bar system.

I’m not that good at coding but how do you want the player to be able to fight? clicking?

Yes, by clicking their screen like arm wrestle simulator.

You can have a power variable that gose up when clicked(player power - npc power)and gose down by power power / npc power, save the total value to a var called power. You with have to tween a bar the power var.

Sorry if i didn’t help, it is 12 am for me and im tired.

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You could define an int value that constantly decreasing by opponent strength, but when you click it increases by player strength and you can just tween the bar. This script would look something like this:

I rushed this script, just to give you an idea of how a system like this would work

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = player:GetMouse()

local visualframe = VISUAL_BAR

local npc_strength = 100
local player_strength = 200

local max_track = 1000
local min_track = 0

local fighting = true

local tracking = ((npc_strength + player_strength) / 2) + (max_track / 2)

function endscript()
	fighting = false

-- tracking interface

function trackingChanged()
	if tracking >= max_track then -- if player won
		print("player won wrestling")

		endscript() -- pack up your script
	elseif tracking <= min_track then -- if npc won
		print("npc won wrestling")

		endscript() -- pack up your script
	local num = tracking / max_track
	if num > 1 then
		num = 1
	elseif num < 0 then
		num = 0
	TweenService:Create(visualframe.Fill,, {Size = UDim2.fromScale(num, 1)}):Play() -- tweening fill to tracking (ex: .5,0,1,0 )

-- tracking

	tracking += player_strength

	while task.wait(1) do
		if fighting then
			tracking -= npc_strength

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