Armature not importing fully with rig

I am trying to import a rig with an armature, it works fine in blender but once I put it in Roblox it only imports 3 bones and I don’t why?
I tried renaming all the objects and bones and still it did not help.
If anyone knows the reason then please help!

Images that may help:

you cannot export the ik rig you need to export the original armature without the ik.

it would be hard to get your custom animations to work if you dont know scripting, since sonic looks like he can be a r15 model i recommend you to make it compatible with roblox r15 model which would require you to clean up the model to 10k tris and re making the armatures to have 15 joints,
if you like you can send me the file i would clean it up for you or you can read how to make it compatible with r15 from roblox docs.

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Thanks for responding
First of all I do not want to make it an R15 since it would mean me making the model 10k tris which gonna reverse a whole lot of progress I have done with the model and just generally going to take me more time.
Second, I am a scripter and I am working with someone who is very experienced in scripting so I don’t think that would be much of an issue have the animations work.

i really don’t think it going to take more time if the model is fully quads you can unsubdive about 2 times,
anyways if you built the rig correct which should have 2 armtaures one fk and other ik you need to export the fk.

I removed all of the IK bones, yet I am still having only 3 bones imported.
(Also just saw your other comment, yes this is the FK rig)

can you show the the original armature

also i recommend you untick the upload to roblox so you dont get false moderated

Uh, The rig that has the IK in it, correct?

no the original bones without pole vectors

Wait, before that, I think I found the problem
I just moved the rig and there is an offset going from origin to who knows where and its also the exact same spot where only the three bones that are imported are

ig try reset cursor and apply all transform on your model.

For christ sake, it did get rid of the random offset but its still imports only the same 3 bones

is it possible if can you send the blend file and also which blender version?