Armogone | Game Designer / Project Manager

About Me :question:

Hi there! I’m Armogone. My profession is a game’s designer. 5 years ago, I used to just hop on Roblox Studio and think of game ideas that would be fun for myself and everyone else. As time went by, I gradually realised the importance of little things that can help boost the game’s engagement and gameplay overall. I use my creativity to design something everyone will love and keep into account the audience of which the game will be played by.

I take importance in keeping a healthy relationship with my client’s as strong communication is a key factor in making progress and maintaining a good work environment.

What I do :mag_right:

Game Designer’s are those who help bring your game to life. This is what a Game Designer such as myself do:

  • Communicate with the Project Owner to develop an idea and concept of their game.

  • Layout Game Sectors such as: Gameplay Experience, Engagement, Game Community, User’s Trust & Safety etc.

  • Management by communicating with the Development Team daily to ensure tasks are being done while maintaining a positive relationship and work environment, assist in the process of finding Developer’s for certain tasks.

  • Research into the project to setup a good Launch Plan for the game, while also determine Advertisements and other necessary factors.

  • Create optional Social Media platforms to help grow audience

Currently, I, myself am the Game Designer of my own game, Trade Island. This game is still under development, therefore the game itself is unplayable right now.

Work Schedule :clock8:

Due to school, I will have less hours to work than to which I would have without school. However, there is little flexibility between the hours I can work. My time zone is Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

  • Weekdays: 3 - 4 Hours.

  • Weekends: 8 - 10 Hours.

Payment :robux:

I am very flexible with payment’s. I can take Paypal and Robux. Specific payments can be discussed in DM’s and will be decided by the complexity of the jobs that need to be done.

Contact :bust_in_silhouette:

You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord: Mani#0007

Thank you for the taking the time to read! Message me if you have any other questions! :slightly_smiling_face: