Arms don't follow the torso when waist rotation is changed

Hello devforum, I am having some trouble with rotating a character’s waist. When I change the C0 or the C1 of the waist motor6d the arms don’t follow it. This happens only with orientation, positon works correctly:

About a year ago when I did this same thing it worked correctly, the arms moved together with the torso. For some reason it behaves differently now.

If you want to replicate it just run this in the command bar while testing in studio:

workspace:FindFirstChild("Humanoid", true).Parent.UpperTorso.Waist.C0 *= CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi/2, 0)

Any help is appreciated.

You can also try changing orientation of your arms, or calculate it againg after you changed the rotation of torso, thats the only thing i could possibly think of rn, hope it helps.

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This is fixed now so thanks to whoever fixed it at roblox :slight_smile:

Edit: works with all avatars except blocky ones

Edit 2: it works correctly on all avatars now

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