Arms & head following mouse breaks sliding

So I decided to make a sliding system that aligns the player to a slope.
It works pretty fine, but the issue is, that when you equip a weapon, instead of sliding down, the character slides forward floating in air.
I found out the issue was the arms and following the mouse when having a weapon equipped, since removing it fixes the problem. However, I want it to keep following the mouse even when sliding down a slope.

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Try making the weapon massless

All gun parts are already massless.
Here’s a video showcasing the bug

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Since the issue is due to the arms following the mouse when a weapon is equipped, why dont you use something else to direct the slope?

You could use the lookvector of the character’s HRP instead, or head.

I dont know what slide direction is, so could you show it please?

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slideDirection is movedirection

and I’m pretty sure the problem is the first script that makes you look at mouse pos
is there any other way of achieving that without using c0?

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Maybe you can try using .Orientation property on the actual bodypart?

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I dont think that’s possible? Since all body parts are attached with joints

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Please help, send help, plesae help.

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I tried it and it does actually move the body parts properly but you gotta think of some sort of math thing for the .Orientation property, tbh i’m really bad at this sorta stuff myself.

You could try using prismatic constraints so that the body doesn’t float. Because prismatics respect physics.


I think you need to update the tools in rayParams, or Disable CanQuery on all tools.

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