Aromaado | Staff Handbook

Welcome, New Trainees and Team Members!

Congratulations on joining Aromaado. Please familiarize yourself with the documents enclosed in this post, as they will be useful in your new position, and in positions you will gain in the future.

Social Links

Group: Aromaado - Roblox
Trainee Applications: Application Center - Roblox


Section 1 - Barista Recipe Guide
Section 2 - Staff Rules
Section 3 - Training Information
Section 4 - Administrative Powers
Section 5 - Affiliation
Section 6 - Recruitment

Section 1 - Barista Recipe Guide

Regular: Regular Machine

Decaf: Decaf Machine

Espresso: Espresso Machine

Vanilla Latte: Espresso + Vanilla Flavour + Milk + Cream

Chocolate Latte: Regular + Mocha Flavour + Milk + Cream

Caramel Latte: Regular + Caramel Flavour + Milk + Cream

Cappuccino: Regular + Decaf

Americano: Espresso + Decaf

Iced Regular: Ice + Regular Machine

Iced Decaf: Ice + Decaf Machine

Iced Espresso: Ice + Espresso Machine

Iced Vanilla Latte: Ice + Espresso + Vanilla Flavour + Milk + Cream

Iced Chocolate Latte: Ice + Espresso + Chocolate Flavour + Milk + Cream

Iced Caramel Latte: Ice + Regular + Caramel Flavour + Milk + Cream

Iced Cappuccino: Ice + Regular + Decaf

Iced Americano: Ice + Espresso + Decaf


Pineapple: Ice + Pineapple Juice + Blender

Crushed Berry: Ice + Crushed Berries Juice + Blender

Line: Ice + Lime Juice + Blender

Mango: Ice + Mango Juice + Blender

Strawberry: Ice + Strawberry Juice + Blender

Raspberry: Ice + Raspberry Juice + Blender


Chocolate: Milk + Chocolate Flavour + Milk Mixer

Strawberry: Milk + Strawberry Flavour + Milk Mixer

Banana: Milk + Banana Flavour + Milk Mixer

Oreo: Milk + Oreo Flavour + Milk Mixer

Mint: Milk + Mint Flavour + Milk Mixer

Vanilla: Milk + Vanilla Flavour + Milk Mixer

Coffee: Milk + Coffee Flavour + Blender

Blueberry: Milk + Blueberry Flavour + Blender


Tea: Hot Water + Tea + Milk

Black Tea: Hot Water + Tea

Green Tea: Hot Water + Green Tea


Cola: Cola Machine

Diet Cola: Diet Cola Machine

Sprite: Sprite Machine

Fanta Original: Fanta Original Machine

Fanta Berry: Fanta Berry Machine

Fanta Fruit Twist: Fanta Fruit Twist Machine

Iced Cola: Ice + Cola Machine

Iced Diet Cola: Ice + Diet Cola Machine

Iced Sprite: Ice + Sprite Machine

Iced Fanta Original: Ice + Fanta Original Machine

Iced Fanta Berry: Ice + Fanta Berry Machine

Iced Fanta Fruit Twist: Ice + Fanta Fruit Twist Machine


Water: Water Machine

Iced Water: Ice + Water Machine

Hot Chocolate: Hot Water + Chocolate Flavour + Milk + Milk Mixer

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Section 2 - Staff Rules

All rules subject to change without warning.

Dress code

All MR+ staff members should dress in a formal fashion. This does not mean suits and dresses, however you should look professional and give us a positive view. We recommend you always use no package (1.0). Customers and LRs have some more leniency however we expect you to dress in appropriate clothing and not something too revealing.


We expect our MR+ not to abuse the power and responsibility they are given. We will not accept any use of ‘fun’ commands, and other commands should be used sparingly, only to fulfill your staff role. Admin abuse will not be tolerated and will result in demotion.


  • Under construction.

The staff rules must be followed along with any public rules.

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Section 3 - Training Schedule

Trainees, Junior Baristas, Baristas and Senior Baristas can be promoted by participating in training.

EST Timetable


  • 3pm
  • 4pm
  • 6pm
  • 7pm
  • 9pm
  • 12pm


  • 11am
  • 11pm
GMT Timetable

( These times are ridiculous, working on better alternative )

  • 8pm
  • 9pm
  • 11pm
  • 12pm
  • 2am
  • 5am


  • 4pm
  • 4am

Some rules that apply during training:

I) PTS is enabled and all staff, besides host, our Co-Host and the Ranker, must be using it.

II) If you fail the session do not be discouraged, there will be another session where you can have another try to be promoted.

III) Everyone shall be respectful to each other.

IV) All trainees must be present at all times, if you are found AFK you will be removed from the server.

V) Dress code: You must not wear any crazy/large hats and no clothes that are “revealing” or say inappropriate things on them.

VI) Trolling is not allowed in any of our games, and it will not be tolerated.

Trainers are required to do the following with the trainees: Greeting Test, Grammar Test, Order test, and Troll test.

Training Guide

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Section 4 - Administrative Powers

Blacklisted Commands - Don’t use these commands at all or severe punishments could ensue.

  • fly
  • jumpower
  • speed
  • gear
  • god
  • btools
  • give
  • hat
  • ff
  • mod
  • admin
  • any ‘all’ command e.g :bring all
  • superadmin
  • unadmin
  • unmod
  • sm (except trainings)
  • m

Don’t overuse :h It should only be used for important announcements. Communicate with staff members through pm instead.

Administrative powers are not to be given to anyone, regardless of their rank.

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Section 5 - Affiliation

Affiliation Requirements

  • You must have at least 100 members to form an affiliation with us, however exceptions can be made, but that is a very rare chance.
  • You must have an active group, otherwise we will not affiliate with you.
  • Your group must not sell ranks.
  • You must have two HRs in your group that are willing to be your representatives.
  • If we find any blacklisted users as an MR+ at your group, then the affiliation will be terminated.
  • We do not wish to ally with army groups.

After contacting us, we will review your group over a 3 day period in which we will determine weather or not your group is suitable for our affiliation.

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Section 6 - Recruitment

Anyone can recruit for Aroma Coffee, however all recruitment should take place at the Group Recruiting Plaza 4.5. Members of Aroma should go on green - business team, claim a central booth and set it up as follows. If you recruit someone then DM a HR on discord to accept them into the group.

Booth Setup

Use this decal id 4531556718 (Aroma Logo).

Any natural colors, nothing contrasting.

Extra signs should say, ‘Aroma Coffee | Luxury is our key to success.’
Signs same color as booth.

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