Aromea Handbook
Hey there! You’ve landed at Aromea’s Public Handbook! This document was written to gather important information that may assist in your career as a barista, teach you about our terms and conditions or answer any of your questions regarding our group.
Aromea is a forthcoming virtual cafe in Roblox, which strives to one day become the best cafe family there is on the platform. Our baristas and managers are trained to fulfil your needs and keep the cafe operational to develop new friendships, hang out, have a good sip of coffee and enjoy the environment safely.
Established by anvoids and ttribulation - 01/06/24
Important Links
General Handbook
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get a job at Aromea?
To get a job in our establishment, you need to join the group and submit an application at the Application Center. If you pass on your application, you should then attend a training session in our Training Center. Check out our sessions schedule to know when’s the next training.
Can I work here with safechat activated?
If your Roblox account is <13 you’re allowed to work as an LR (Trainee - Senior Barista), therefore you can but won’t be able to rank up to Staff Intern.
I was permanently banned from the games, can I be unbanned?
Yes. To get unbanned, you must appeal on our Discord server, if you’re interested in appealing, join it by going to the social links in our group.
Cafe Rules & Tolerances
Disobeying these rules inside our establishment will lead to punishments, such as being removed or banned from the game.
1. Spamming is not allowed, it will disturb workers and customers with the ordering process and lag.
2. NSFW outfits are prohibited and will get you permanently banned.
3. The usage of excessive capital letters is not allowed as it looks like you’re screaming at someone and being rude.
4. Marketing other groups inside of our games isn’t allowed unless you’ve got permission from the Public Relations department.
5. Bypassing is not allowed, this includes outfits and chat messages. This will lead to a permanent ban.
6. Do not participate in any raids to our places, everyone that participates in such will be permanently banned.
7. Exploiting is not allowed, even if you don’t think it is offensive or it doesn’t do any major damage in the game. Exploiting leads to a permanent ban.
8. Always obey Roblox’s terms of service inside of our games.
Session Times
Shift sessions are hosted daily at random times by MRs.
Training sessions are hosted following the schedule below.
03:00AM EST / 08:00AM BST
07:00AM EST / 12:00PM BST
11:00AM EST / 04:00PM BST
03:00PM EST / 08:00PM BST
06:00PM EST / 11:00PM BST
08:00PM EST / 01:00AM BST
11:00PM EST / 04:00AM BST
Affiliations Information
For Aromea, allies are a method of elevating the activity of the group. We expect to host many events with our allies as well as visit them to forge a united community.
- Minimum of 200 Discord members and 250 group members.
- Professional behaviour from the Staff team.
- Active community with events, gamenights, etc.
- Availability from the representatives of your group.
- No record of scamming, drama, etc.
- Your group has to be unique and not a copy of someone else’s group.
If you meet these requirements, apply by joining our communications server → creating a ticket → answering the questions below. Your application will then be reviewed by a member of the Public Relations department and in less than 48h you will get a response.
- What’s the name of your group?
- Why are you interested in affiliating with us?
- How can you benefit us through this affiliation?
- Who owns the group and who will be the group’s representative?
- Paste the link to the group and communications server.
Permanent Ban Appeals
After being banned permanently from our games, you’re able to appeal your ban. You can join our communications server → creating a ticket → answering the questions below. Your appeal will then be reviewed by a member of the Public Relations department and in less than 48h you will get a response.
- What’s your Roblox username?
- Why did you get banned?
- Why do you want to be unbanned?
Your appeal won’t be accepted if you were banned for exploiting.
Staff Blacklist
After being blacklisted from becoming a staff member for more than 1 month, you’re able to appeal your ban. You can do this by joining our communications server → creating a ticket → answering the questions below. A member of the Human Resources department will then review your appeal and in less than 48h you will get a response.
- What’s your Roblox username?
- Why did you get blacklisted?
- Why do you want to be whitelisted?
Your appeal won’t be accepted if you were blacklisted for admin abuse.
Declined Appeals
If your appeal is declined, you must wait 2 weeks to re-send another appeal.
LR Promotions
In order to begin working as a Junior Barista, you must attend a training session as a Trainee. Do this by joining the Training Center when a session is going to be hosted. To rank up from Junior Barista to Senior Barista, you must attend 2 more training sessions.
Senior Barista
As a Senior Barista, your main goal should be to rank up to MR. To reach the Staff Intern position, you should work hard and act professionally at the cafe at all times as well as meet the requirements to become an MR. You will be getting recommended for a promotion, if you do so. Below, there’s all the information you need.
Staff Intern Requirements
- 1 week as a SB
- Attend shifts frequently as an SB
- Assists colleagues as an SB
- Have safechat disabled, be 13 years old or older
- Be on our communications server and interact with the community
Senior Barista Tips
- Do not ask for a promotion or hint for one (e.g. “I’ve been working for so long already!”), those may lead to a demotion.
- Always use grammar and punctuation, this shows how much effort you put into the job as well as how professional you can be.
- Show up to events and gamenights, and mark your presence in these so we can see how supportive you are and how active you can be.
- We don’t ask you to work 24/7 in our establishment, we know you have other stuff to worry about so we recommend you join the hosted shifts that happen at random times every day.
Thank you for reading Aromea’s Public Handbook! In case any question isn’t answered, do not hesitate to reach us by opening a ticket on our communications server.
Written by anvoids
Last updated: 05/09/24