Arrosto Frequently Asked Questions

This public document answers some questions that have been asked frequently.

Q. How may I get a job?
A. You may apply at the application center. Kitchen Assistant is the only open position currently.

Q. Can I have a rank such as Staff Assistant or higher?
A. No. Arrosto does not free rank people, and you must earn your position through hard work and dedication.

Q. Are some of the assets or GFXs going to be replaced?
A. Eventually, yes. Quite a few assets are currently placeholders & shall be replaced eventually. Keep in mind, the only developer currently is yvesvoice who does not have too much building experience.

Q. When are trainings?
A. 3 PM EST, 6 PM EST, and 9 PM EST. On Friday and the weekends, we may also host late night sessions.

Q. What positions are available?
A. Depends. We always have Kitchen Assistant-Lead Staff open, though.

Q. Do I have to work a certain amount of times a week?
A. No, however it would be appreciated if possible.

Q. What is the consequence system for customers?
A. 1 Warning > Kick > Ban.

Q. What is the consequence system for disrespectful workers?
A. 1 Warning > Contact MR/HR > Demotion.

Q. Does the cafe have hours of operation?
A. No, it doesn’t. We are open 24/7.

Q. How do I achieve Staff Assistant?
A. Apply when applications are open, or achieve the rank of Lead Staff and put dedication and activity towards your position.