Arsenal - Galactic Assault


Blast off to a new year with a new SciFi event for Arsenal!

Your space-age adventure will bring you to unknown lands, while travelling you may want to stop by the ROLVe Station - but be warned! You’ll want to bring some new weapons with you, such as…

armamentagain rgl breach

…the Armament and RLJ Breach!

Venture onwards to 3 new maps:


New Galactic Wares have arrived, check out the 36 new items in the Galactic Pass!

Galactic Wares can be redeemed with stars! Each item redeems automatically once you have enough stars. Stars are never subtracted.

Earn stars by playing the game: each elimination awards a star, headshots and melee eliminations award a bonus star.

Contracts can put you in a bind, so why not try some Galactic Bounties?

Bounties are free to take, in fact, you already have them! Bounties will net you extra stars. Bounties can be completed at any time and can only be completed once.


12 characters, 6 unusual kits, 5 melees, 5 calling cards, 5 weapon skins, 3 emotes

rocket sounds but from your arms HELICOPTER LifeBehindTheScreens

Rocket Arms, Helicopter, Screens

Blast Hammer, Electric Flail, Electro Axe, Slappy, Doublade

Cassini Passport, Company ID and…

Hyper Planetary, Identify, Module Board made by ScreamingXXX!

Active Camo, Hive Mind, Jungle Press, Murky Depth, Warp

Allocator, Cephalokin Elite, Cephalokin Recon, Demolitionist, ESM G.Unit, ESM P.Unit, Excavator, Lt. Baron, M.P C-Grade, Recovery Unit, Scavenger

he has a cape ... and horns!

Corporate Exec

plus (these look better on dark mode)

CD-burnCD neutronCD monoCD balance

The Celestial Drive unusual collection


kaiden pinkkaiden teal

The KAIDEN unusual collection

Plus (not apart of the grand prize lol)

Laser Tag makes a return, 5 new badges, bread…?, snipers only!?

Play Now or dont
