So I got bored and thought hey, lets practice making art by making my avatar!
I wouldnt say im the most advanced but I’m having fun so yehah!!! (yes I was to lazy to draw hands. If you arent an artist you wouldnt get it)
Anyhow what are you’re thoughts? Should I do this more?
Im an avid artist I can tell you a thing or two, overall you got a pretty good understanding of anatomy which is rare (even I struggle with anatomy). I would add more detail into things such strands to the hair. Giving suggestions for art is kind of hard since art is partially subjective so balancing between criticism and praise is a thin line I dont want to delve deep into.(what im saying is that I have alot more to say but I dont want to be too critical with your mistakes and its more important to have fun since you will fix them overtime
Thanks for the feedback! I would agree with the hair part, I am defiantly not the best at it whatsoever but I’ll get their eventually, BTW anything you see that could use some work? Im trying to improve : D