Art work stolen

before i knew what a watermark was my art had been stolen from a person from discord i will not say any names BUT i dont know if i can report the person if they do decide to use it for there roblox game can i? i need help!!


Contact for a DMCA takedown request. (If they use it on their game.)


You can if they publicly share it (e.g in a Devforum portfolio, Roblox game), but if they’re just using it to claim that it is theirs in private DMs then you don’t have much choice. Nothing is stopping them from claiming it as their own.

I suggest you do follow what people do when they create art for someone:

Require Down Payment:

Down Payment is a percentage the person who is buying it has to give to the person who is creating it. This ensures that you are not wasting your valuable time and you are at least getting something out of it.

Water Marks:

Watermarking your stuff is the best way to safely show the work of the person who is buying without getting scammed at all.

“The Safety Steps”

Once a customer request for artwork (In which they plan to buy by the way) Do these steps. First ask for down payment. It could be 5-20%. Don’t make it too much, as not for the customer to simply say, “Nevermind!”. Make the Artwork the customer asked for, then make a copy of it and heavily watermark it (rename if necessary to not confuse yourself) and then show if the Watermarked artwork. After which the customer has to pay the Rest Of The Percentage to get the Unwatermarked version. These are the steps to prevent scams, and also prevent yourself (the artist) from wasting your time.


im closing this now tyty for help