Art/animation stuff i made while i was gone

edit: to view things u may have to click on them for it to work if it doesnt

hueieieee people…

ive been gone from this site for a while, mainly to focus on school n stuff. but now thats outta the way i think i can get back to posting =) (i also have a new look now. so fresh guest…
so heres some stuff that i did while i was gone

my first 3d animation (using moon animator
i went a bit far ahead with what i wanted to animate as you can tell by the hats and face moving; but to save me from torture its just a simple head turn =D
“sleeping” animation
i did want it to be just sleeping but now it doesnt look much like sleeping (i put way too much movement basically…
my first blender animation
he’s running! (i make things too hard for myself but i managed to finish it :swag:
it looks a little janky here cause i wanted the torso to turn, but after i regretted it the undo limit slapped me in the face
also because my pose to pose turned into straight ahead.

have a screenshot of when it was a wip

and drawing of me for my Dead Forever twitter page (try and find me, you’ll find NOTHING!!! literally


drawings that are not roblox related (so sad

how (how) i will never be able to replicate this ever again

very nice kirby.

thats all, hopefully i become active again (and actually work on things
feel free to give feedback (especially give feedback on my 3d animations i gotta get better

bye bye :swag:


These all look great. The noob running looks like he is either running upwards or pulling something.