Artic's Anti-Fly [R15 Characters] #3

Artic’s Anti-Fly

Hello everyone so today, I’d like you to introduce to you a third thread about this Anti-Fly script. I tried to make it somehow and I think I did made somewhat more accurate about detecting flying players than in old versions of this script projects. I’d like to share it with you guys to give me your contributions as well. So I created an open source so everyone can contribute to it at GitHub.

Also if you would like to get whole model, the link to model is here:

Before I continue I’d like to introduce you my YouTube tutorial on how to set it up, here.

I’d like to recieve an feedback on what else could of been better inside this script. I know I am not really the best scripter but I think I am somehow advanced if I could say but yeah, here is my main script where literally almost everything is happening.

--Put this script in ServerScriptService please, okay?
local Module = require(script:FindFirstChild("Average"):WaitForChild("ModuleScript"))

local MaxY = 12 --IMPORTANT: (You will have to change this 100%) Change this to an value to where maximum Y normal player can achieve also include their jump which about 3 studs 

local MaxBoolCaughts = 3 -- Chnage this to how many times you allow player to do mistake before adding a score to script counter
local MaxCounter = 4 -- Change this to maximum counter (caughts)

--**Don't change these if you are not sure what you are doing**
--If player goes lower of any of those values while deviding values with other players makes it suspicious and and has higher chance of getting kicked  
--Minimum value is 0 and maximum 1 at this valueses, please keep it same as they are or try to experiment with changing small values (decimal valueses)

local AvreageDifference = 0.60 --This value is checking while diveding average value with localplayer's Y axis position
local AverageBoolAndGameTime = 0.50 -- This value is checking diveding time in restricted area with whole game time

--               _   _      _                      _   _        ______ _       
--    /\        | | (_)    ( )         /\         | | (_)      |  ____| |      
--   /  \   _ __| |_ _  ___|/ ___     /  \   _ __ | |_ _ ______| |__  | |_   _ 
--  / /\ \ | '__| __| |/ __| / __|   / /\ \ | '_ \| __| |______|  __| | | | | |
-- / ____ \| |  | |_| | (__  \__ \  / ____ \| | | | |_| |      | |    | | |_| |
--/_/    \_\_|   \__|_|\___| |___/ /_/    \_\_| |_|\__|_|      |_|    |_|\__, |
--                                                                        __/ |
--                                                                       |___/ 
--  Artic's Anti-Fly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.

--  Artic's Anti-Fly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.

--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with Artic's Anti-Fly.  If not, see <>.

    local ValueS ="IntValue") -- This value represents value of how many suspicous caughts for exploiting player recieved 
    local BoolCounter ='IntValue')-- This value represents how many time player was in restricted area
    local BoolTurnedOFF ='IntValue')-- This value represents how many time player was NOT in restricted area
    local Yaxis ="IntValue") -- This value represents Localplayer's Y axis 
    local InGameTime ='IntValue') -- This value represents how long player was in game
    local OnTouchedTime ='IntValue') -- This value represents time when player goes in restricted area
    local OnOutTouchedTime ='IntValue') --This value represents exact time when player leaves restricted area 
    local BoolValueS ='BoolValue') -- This value is turned on TRUE when player is in restricted area else it turned on FALSE

    ValueS.Parent = script
    ValueS.Name = Player.Name
    BoolValueS.Parent = ValueS
    BoolValueS.Name = "RestrictedArea"

    BoolCounter.Parent = BoolValueS
    BoolCounter.Name = "Time"
    BoolTurnedOFF.Parent = BoolValueS
    BoolTurnedOFF.Name = "TurnedOFF"

    InGameTime.Parent = BoolValueS
    InGameTime.Name = "TimeInGame"

    Yaxis.Parent = BoolValueS
    Yaxis.Name = "Y"

    OnTouchedTime.Parent = BoolValueS
    OnTouchedTime.Name = "OnTouchedTime" 

    OnOutTouchedTime.Parent = BoolValueS
    OnOutTouchedTime.Name = "OnOutTouchedTime"


local function WeldToHuman(A,B) 
    B.CFrame = A.CFrame
    local  Weld ="Weld")
    Weld.Part0 = A
    Weld.C0 = A.CFrame:Inverse()
    Weld.Part1 = B
    Weld.C1 = B.CFrame:Inverse()
    Weld.Parent = A
    return Weld

Character:WaitForChild("Part").Transparency = 1
Character:WaitForChild("Part").Locked = true

while true do

local function YaxisExists()
   if (Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart')) ~= nil then --Check if HumanoidRootPart exists in player
     local Yaxis = Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart').Position.Y
     return Yaxis
	if (Character:FindFirstChild("Part")) ~= nil then
	  local YPartPosition = Character:FindFirstChild("Part").Position.Y --Check if Part exists in player
	  return YPartPosition
  return false

local success, message = pcall(YaxisExists)
Yaxis.Value = message
script:FindFirstChild("Average").Value = tonumber(Module.Average(0,0,0))-- Call to get average value of all Y axis

if (success) ~= true then
	if (script:FindFirstChild(Player.Name)) ~= nil then -- Check if player's value still exists in script
     script[Player.Name]:Destroy() -- Destroy player from server's script
	 warn('Player: '.. Player.Name .. ' was caught exploiting with HumanoidRootPart')
     Player:Kick("We caught you exploiting with HumanoidRootPart")
	 --Add here things to happen once player is kicked or in PlayerRemoving function

if (BoolTurnedOFF.Value) > 40 then --Check if palyer is in safe area for 40 seconds
	if (ValueS.Value) > 0 then -- Check if caughtsa are equals to 0
	ValueS.Value = ValueS.Value - 1
	BoolTurnedOFF.Value = 0

while (BoolValueS.Value) == false do
	script:FindFirstChild("Average").Value = tonumber(Module.Average(0,0,0)) -- Call to get average value of all Y axis
	local success, message = pcall(YaxisExists)
    InGameTime.Value = InGameTime.Value + 1 
	BoolTurnedOFF.Value = BoolTurnedOFF.Value + 1  
if (BoolTurnedOFF.Value) > 40 then --Check if palyer is in safe area for 40 seconds
	if (ValueS.Value) > 0 then -- Check if caughtsa are equals to 0
	ValueS.Value = ValueS.Value - 1
	BoolTurnedOFF.Value = 0
	if (success) ~= false then -- Check if Y value exists
	 if (message) > (MaxY) then -- Check if  localplayer's Y axis is higher than Server's Max Y height
		if (BoolValueS.Value) ~= true or (BoolValueS.Value) ~= false then -- Pretty much useless if statment but okay		
		 BoolValueS.Value = true
		if (OnTouchedTime.Value) == 0 then -- Check if value was changed or not
		 OnTouchedTime.Value = BoolCounter.Value -- Changes time to time once player entered in restricted area 
	     if (ValueS.Value) > (MaxCounter) then -- Check if player got caught as it's Server's max number of caughts 
		  if (BoolCounter.Value/InGameTime.Value) < (AverageBoolAndGameTime) then -- Devided Time how many time player was in restricted area with his whole game time 
			local avg = script.Average.Value
			if (avg/message) < (AvreageDifference) then -- Average value devided with player's current Y axis value
			if (script:FindFirstChild(Player.Name)) ~= nil then -- Check if player's value still exists in script
		       script[Player.Name]:Destroy() -- Destroy player from server's script
		       warn('Player: '.. Player.Name .. ' was caught exploiting')
		       Player:Kick("We caught you exploiting")
		       --Add here things to happen once player is kicked or in PlayerRemoving function

while (BoolValueS.Value) == true do
	script:FindFirstChild("Average").Value = tonumber(Module.Average(0,0,0))-- Call to get average value of all Y axis
	local success, message = pcall(YaxisExists)-- success = true or false, message = avreage value of Y axis 
    InGameTime.Value = InGameTime.Value + 1
 if (Character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid").FloorMaterial) == Enum.Material.Air then
	if (Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Velocity.Y) == 0 or (Character:FindFirstChild("Part").Velocity.Y) == 0 or ((0 < (Character:FindFirstChild("Part").Velocity.Y) and (Character:FindFirstChild("Part").Velocity.Y)  < 0.11)) or ((0 < (Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Velocity.Y) and (Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Velocity.Y) < 0.11)) then
	BoolCounter.Value = BoolCounter.Value + 1

  if (BoolCounter.Value) > (MaxBoolCaughts) then --Check for how many times player was caught in restricted area if above MaxBoolCaughts it adds + 1 to ValueS's value
	ValueS.Value = ValueS.Value + 1
	BoolCounter.Value = 0

if (BoolTurnedOFF.Value) > 40 then --Check if palyer is in safe area for 40 seconds
	if (ValueS.Value) > 0 then -- Check if caughtsa are equals to 0
	ValueS.Value = ValueS.Value - 1
	BoolTurnedOFF.Value = 0
    if (message) < (MaxY) then -- Check if player is still in restricted area
	  BoolValueS.Value = false
	  OnOutTouchedTime.Value = InGameTime.Value
	  local Counters = OnOutTouchedTime.Value-OnTouchedTime.Value
	if (Counters) > 100 then  -- Check how long player was in restricted area 
	  while (Counters) > 100 do -- Loop for penalty if there is one of coruse
	   ValueS.Value = ValueS.Value + 1
	   Counters = Counters - 100
	  OnOutTouchedTime.Value = 0
	  OnTouchedTime.Value = 0 
 	if (success) ~= false then -- Check if Y value exists
	 if (message) > (MaxY) then -- Check if  localplayer's Y axis is higher than Server's Max Y height
		if (BoolValueS.Value) ~= true or (BoolValueS.Value) ~= false then -- Pretty much useless if statment but okay		
		 BoolValueS.Value = true
		if (OnTouchedTime.Value) == 0 then -- Check if value was changed or not
		 OnTouchedTime.Value = BoolCounter.Value -- Changes time to time once player entered in restricted area 
	     if (ValueS.Value) > (MaxCounter) then -- Check if player got caught as it's Server's max number of caughts 
		  if (BoolCounter.Value/InGameTime.Value) < (AverageBoolAndGameTime) then -- Devided Time how many time player was in restricted area with his whole game time 
			local avg = script.Average.Value
			if (avg/message) < (AvreageDifference) then -- Average value devided with player's current Y axis value
			if (script:FindFirstChild(Player.Name)) ~= nil then -- Check if player's value still exists in script
		       script[Player.Name]:Destroy() -- Destroy player from server's script
		       warn('Player: '.. Player.Name .. ' was caught exploiting')
		       Player:Kick("We caught you exploiting")
		       --Add here things to happen once player is kicked or in PlayerRemoving function


Before I continue with my ModuleScript which is returning the average Y axis value of all players in game, I’d like to introduce you the MaxY and what’s has been actually added since the last update.


You will definitely have to change this value for your game. So how are you going to get it? Well basically simply find your spawn location in game. Add and roblox character in workspace move this character in the Y axis height as you could imagine player to jump that high and then add an simple part above his head for about 3-5 studs and get the Y axis of this part. This is MaxY actually.

For example you have to read the Y axis from part positioned like this:

What has been improved since last update?

  • Documentation of whole script

  • FloorMaterial detection and Velocity Y axis checks

  • Added a detection if player was actually only flinged (so we won’t kick them by not even their fault)

  • Added a timer for how long player was in safe zone and it was not detecting cheating (if he had some caughts by Anti-Fly script before, his caught score will start decresing by his time in safe zone)

Now I think I got through everything in main script if I accidentally didn’t, please don’t send me an bully replies because I will edit the post or reply an nice family-friendly reply. I am in a hurry and wrote this thread as nice as I could in my mean time. Thank you for your understanding.

Now let’s move on the ModuleScript which returns the average Y axis value of all players in game.

--  Artic's Anti-Fly is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.

--  Artic's Anti-Fly is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.

--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with Artic's Anti-Fly.  If not, see <>.

local module = {}

module.Average = function(a,b,c)-- a=0, b=0, c=0
local Players = game.Players:GetChildren() --Get all players

for i=1,#Players do
	if game.ServerScriptService:FindFirstChild("Artic's Anti-Fly"):FindFirstChild(tostring(Players[i])) ~= nil then --Check if Player exists in main script
	local Y = game.ServerScriptService:FindFirstChild("Artic's Anti-Fly"):FindFirstChild(tostring(Players[i])):FindFirstChild("RestrictedArea"):FindFirstChild("Y").Value -- Get value of player's Y value
	a = a + tonumber(Y) -- A letter represents a sum of all valueses in game 
	c = #Players -- C letter represents number of all players in game

return a/c -- returns average Y value of all players in game 


return module

What’s been improved since last update?

  • Documentation for whole script

  • Basically everything is the same as in old ModuleScript version

I think I somehow got through everything I’d like to thank you for reading to the end and if you did take time to read my code. I mean if you have better idea to get this exploiter which is using fly in game, feel free to reply and we will me an disscusion of course.

I also use GNU GPL v3.0 in which you have permissions to:

:white_check_mark: Commercial use
:white_check_mark: Modification
:white_check_mark: Distribution
:white_check_mark: Patent use
:white_check_mark: Private use

:x: Liability
:x: Warranty

I hope you are having an amazing day today and most importantly that you are enjoying your life.
In which case I really don’t but never mind.
Stay creative everyone! :herb:


Very good, hope you can come up with a solution to prevent hackers from teleporting.


Thank you :slight_smile: , I’ll take a look at it and yeah I’ll try to make one for this as well. :herb: