About me
Hello! I’m StrowmanBrown2, I’m currently 13 years old and I’m offering my services as:
Project Manager
English-Italian Translator
As an artist, I can do:
Simple logos
Coats of arms
Simple badges (e.g. simple police badges)
As a project manager, I can:
Make posts on behalf of the staff here on the Developers Forum (recruitment, bullettin board…)
Manage, moderate and make announcements on the discord server/roblox group
Be a point of reference for users
Answer users’ questions
Host events
Much more!
NOTE: I won’t spend any of my own robux.
As an English-Italian Translator, I can:
- Translate EVERYTHING from English to Italian
Project management:
I am currently managing/have managed these communities
Hyp3r Productions
Blizzardous Productions
Why should I be hired?
I am mature
I am professional
I am fair
I am kind and cordial
I am patient
I am very active
I speak fluent English and use excellent grammar
English-Italian Translator
I have offered my translating services to these games
- When Dust Settles: Calm Before The Storm
I am a native speaker of Italian as I was born in Italy and currently live there. I am also a near-native speaker of English.
I only accept robux as payment. Prices are completely negotiable, but there are numbers I don’t want to go below:
Art: not less than 50/work.
Project management: not less than 100/month.
Translating: not less than 5/string.
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0 voters
You can contact me here on the Developers Forum or on discord at SirSCP#6595.
Thanks for reading!