Artwork Studio Is Here! (NOT HIRING RIGHT NOW!)

About Us :open_book:

Hi there! We are Artwork Studios, a game development group that is in need of contractors (people who work for the studio). We expect high quality assets produced by the team. Can’t wait to see you! :hammer_and_pick:
Group: Hidden For Now, Apologies

The Team :cowboy_hat_face:

@johncena12345678953 - Scripter, Map Design, and Modeling :desktop_computer:
Closed: GFX :art:
Hiring Soon But Not Yet: Map Design :hammer_and_pick:
Hiring Soon But Not Yet: 3D Modeler :ice_cube:
Hiring Soon But Not Yet: Scripter :writing_hand:

Game (Contact Me To See Progress) :chart_with_upwards_trend:

GAME IS HIDDEN FOR NOW :safety_vest:

This game is kind of like da hood but with a more lively and fun experience with a ton of weapons! We are planning to add a lot more.

About The Job :question:


Notes :spiral_notepad:

-Keep in mind I am going to redo the alpha map in a more natural low poly feel!
Please respect others! :smiley:
(TronixJohn is my alternate account by the way!)

Contact :phone:

Please message me through the devforum! Nothing to crazy. :slightly_smiling_face:

Contributors :sunglasses:

@Cat767_99 - Former Game Icon
@StormyVector - Former Thumbnail

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