As a Roblox developer, the bug reports posted via the wizard should generate markdown, not HTML

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to edit my bug posts after I make them. The result is often a mix of HTML, not markdown.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve my experience using the forum because I could post bug reports easier.


Hey Quenty, can you let me the know all the cases where HTML is generated instead of raw markdown that you have observed? So far I have observed that certain line breaks are converted into HTML. Many thanks in advance.

That, additionally headers, and maybe some uploaded images if you use the button to upload. Just file a bug report and it should be obvious.

FWIW I’ve only ever seen the inclusion of <br>, if you can show clear examples of any other cases of errant html formatting (e.g. thread links, the html generated) that would probably be helpful since I’ve never seen html in the case of images (headers I don’t use, so I don’t know). Headers you can specify with # in markdown, are you doing it differently, or is this getting converted?

I had trouble reproducing anything except the linebreaks, I also checked the raw content of your last 20 bug reports before posting above and I didn’t see anything except linebreak issues at a glance. I did find the root cause for this specific issue so will fix this next week. Let me know if you have a specific repro for the other things you are seeing.

@Quenty HTML artefacts are resolved in the latest wizard update. We simplified the wizard down (4 => 2 pages, and from many required fields to just 3 required fields, as well as removing visual clutter and getting rid of fields that weren’t that useful to you/us) and I picked up these issues along with those changes.

Let me know the next time you report a bug whether this is resolved.

(I still do not recommend reporting multiple bugs in parallel since the wizard only keeps one submission at a time in memory.)

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