I am a developer for a group game called “Escape the Dungeon!” by a group called " 1tchy’s Official Group", so i wanted to ask for someone to play it and give some feedback. You could also meet me and the Owner of the game in a server.
Heres the game link:
Hi, so I played the game for a little bit and here is what I was able to find:
- The thumbnail for the game isn’t great, it doesn’t really catch my eye and make me want to play the game
- The feedback, codes and events GUI’s don’t look great either, they all look different, don’t match and very plain, however, I do like how the play button looks as well as the title and how I’m travelling down a tunnel
- Add music for people to listen to
- Don’t mean to be rude but the lobby is extremely boring and has 0 detail. Way to large for the little space that is used.
- Change the font for the name tags
- Why is Level 1 difficulty medium and level 2 is easy
- Why is there a random hole in the ground?
- Roof is way to high up
- I like how the obby’s are set up, the difficulty isn’t to easy but not to hard
- Need a lot more decoration
- Need a goal for the players, every player needs to want something whether that’s reaching the highest level, buying new items, etc
- Players should have to level up or have enough coins to buy levels instead of them all being open
- Add more levels
- Gonna say it again, the lobby needs a massive revamp, so much dead space, and only 1 material is used. No decoration, nothing that interests players. That lobby alone, once a players sees it they will leave.
Change all those and then you may have a successful game
hey there, thanks for the feedback!
About the difficulties, originally they’re rated on how hard it was for the owner of the game but people have the option to request a new difficulty of a level
About goals, you get stars and coins each time you beat a level that cannot be purchased with robux, stars unlock you benefits that are completely free-to-play and with coins you buy kits that last 1 life, also free-to-play.
Why the random hole is there? I dont know myself, but you do get teleported there if you quit mid level. (in every section theres a “Quit Level?” teleporter thing.)
I greatly appreciate it that you tried out our game, i will take note of this.
Ohhh okay, maybe you could make a tutorial or an NPC that shows you what your goal is so players can have a better idea of what they’re their for.
sure, i’ll see what i can do about a tutorial.