Assassin Creed Npc's bump mechanic

So yea I just have a question, what would be the best approach in create a bump mechanic like Assassin Creed.

Just like in this example where you like push away Npc’s that are in your way:


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A simple approach would be to have a few different animations for when the NPCs are shoved, detect when a player collides with an NPC then play one of shoved animations and apply a force to push the NPC away from the player.

Edit: Instead of applying a force to the NPC you could make it walk a short distance.

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Do you got a good idea what I could use for checking the colliding with the player, touched or maybe raycast?

A simple demo, the NPCs move away from the player when the players “bumps” into (aka touches) them. You could easily add some animations to make it look better, but I spent way too long on random details which I removed at the end because they overcomplicated the AI.

ac-people-bumping.rbxl (158.0 KB)

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thanks so much this is awseome