Assembly Linear Velocity not moving object

I’ve got a script that uses assembly linear velocity, but the object here does not move. However, whenever I do a print of the assembly linear velocity of my part, it is changing, but in the properties window there is no change. Even weirder, when I change the assembly linear velocity to be multiplied by an integer normally, it moves. I find this very weird. Any solutions?

while wait() do
	local throttle = script.Parent.Parent.Throttle.Value * script.Acceleration.Value * script.Parent.Parent.Reverser.Value
	speed = math.clamp(speed + throttle, 0, script.MaxSpeed.Value)
	script.Parent.Base.AssemblyLinearVelocity = script.Parent.Base.CFrame.LookVector * speed

Bumping this, I haven’t found anything helpful.

I have the same problem. Using the assemblyLinearVelocity in command bar works fine but not working in script!

bumping this, also is your part anchored? my part is unanchored and suffers with the same problem when on the server, but not the client

I know I am replying to this late but try setting the network ownership of the part you are attempting to modify to the server. Since the client owns this part, changes to it’s velocity won’t go through to the server.

-- sets the ownership to the server

It’s probably best that you use a force for this because setting the ownership of such a thing to the server is very unusual.