AssemblyLinearVelocity increases when client has networkownership?

I feel like this is more of a physics issue, but whenever a player enters my turret model, after some time it freaks out. Turns out my turret becomes a little ball of energy that builds up and eventually forces the model to jolt.

To counter this, I tried a bunch of things and it turns out setting the network to the server stopped this, but now I have this annoying input delay, any way to counter this?

local function enter_new_player(player)
	script.Parent.Door.Primary.Attachment.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false
	NPC_teamate = create_NPC_teammate(player)

	player_occupant = player.Name
	game.ReplicatedStorage.TurretActions.ChangeGunner:FireClient(game.Players[player_occupant], script.Parent.Name, firerate, double_barrel, gun_spread, max_range, ammunition)

	player_gunner_seat.Disabled = false
	NPC_gunner_seat.Disabled = false


	local animation_track = NPC_teamate.Humanoid.Animator:LoadAnimation(NPC_teamate.AnimSaves.SitAnim)
	script.Parent.HingeConstraints.HORIZONTAL_DRIVE.Anchored = false
	script.Parent.HingeConstraints.VERTICAL_DRIVE.Anchored = false

The image I have sent is of the horizontal traversals angular velocity

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It could be the way you scripted the turret or the way you placed your HingeConstraints on the turret. Does the player just rotate it on the Y axis or what ?

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Possibly with how I made it, however I tried to re-add a new HingeConstraint and got the same result. What’s weird is I don’t have this issue for my vertical, (btw my horizontal attachments are rotated 90 idk if that’s important at all and both are set to motor)

The horizontal one, which is the only one giving issues just rotates the X axis

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What does your script control on the HingeConstraint ?

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Just it’s AngularVelocity, it’s all it really needs to move so.

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I see, ummm not sure what else I can tell you other than maybe try using CylinderConstraint?

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I might look into that, however I have found out the issue:

The network ownership was not the issue, apparently the welding of the player’s seat was. Any other part welded to the horizontal traversal presents no issues, even if you set the network ownership to the player.

So, because in my scenario the player seat not moving is preferred and not necessary, I can simply just leave the seats as anchored and all works well. However I think this might be a studio bug because all other properties are the same.

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