Asset Builder Looking For Part Time Busywork

[ BUILD STYLE! ] Typically cartoon, smoothplastic.

Hi there, my name is LocksOfDispair.

I have been doing all kinds of gnarly stuff this past year, but I am now in a bit of a slow spot. I would like to make some assets for both fun and a little money. I’m not looking for anything full time. I have school to worry about, and can’t be on the computer for long amounts of time due to personal ‘health concerns’.

However, working with people and creating cool stuff has always been my favorite thing to do, so I am up for a ‘part time’ position.


In the past I have made maps and buildings. Only looking to do smaller stuff like: Furniture, Nature, Weapons, Tools, etc.

Here are some examples of my most recent work.

Price is negotiable. Haven’t ever priced my work, so you may have a chance to rip me off. :wink:

My biggest con is part count. I can certainly build optimized assets, but I often build for looks. I am no 3D modeler, so I do what I can to achieve shape and design. How you want your assets to look is up to you.

Feedback and suggestions are appreciated.

Thanks, Joe


H-Have you worked for Fantastic Frontier? This stuff looks like the style used in the game :open_mouth:!


Found someone!

If you’re still looking for more work, I may be interested in negotiating a price with you.

Toad#5437 / @ToadRBX