Asset creation failed. Please try again later. - Audio

So I’m trying to publish audio to Roblox and it says:
“Asset creation failed. Please try again later.” It’s been around 2 days and I can’t publish it. Does anyone have a similar problem? I tried to publish it on 2 different devices and 3 different accounts. Audio length is 3 minutes and 50 seconds.


Make sure your audio is an .OGG instead of an .MP3.


It says “Wrong Format.” When im trying to upload ogg file.


Bruh Roblox accepted my mp3 file and removed it. When I’m trying now to publish something Roblox doesn’t let me.


I’ve had this problem for a while now, too. I’ve also tried different devices, different accounts, and even different browsers. It just keeps giving me that exact same error.


im getting the same issue with trying to upload clothing.
it just gives me this error because of new overhauled website bro


As of today, this issue is still not fixed. You still can’t upload .OGG files through the Creator Dashboard, when it’s clearly stated that Roblox still supports it.


  1. Upload your .OGG files through studio itself (Asset Manager > in View)

Ahem @Bug-Support ahem.

May I ask, is your OGG file a variable bitrate or constant bitrate?

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I keep having the same problem, roblox servers can’t handle their playerbase. Really annoying and can prevent me from getting key work done for days. I’ve had this issue with an asset for 1wk now and it still won’t upload.

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I have the same issue, it’s a 6 second mp3 that refuses to upload. Any other audio file works, but this one doesn’t. I don’t think this happened on the old roblox developer page.


it says my song’s file is not supported. despite it being a mp3 file. cant upload anything anywhere.

Update: you might want to look at this

This also happened to me trying to upload a decal of a spider’s sprite. I changed the name of the decal as I know Roblox refuses to tell you if your decal’s name is “inappropriate” and won’t let you upload it, but nothing changes. Must be an entirely different thing, and it’s quite annoying.

Late reply, but if the name is getting moderated, you must name it ‘#’. Was (and probably is) still necessary for <13 accounts to upload decals at all.

Have you ever tried to keep pressing the “Upload” button? Maybe it’s because I’m a bit stubborn :sweat_smile: so, I spam it multiple times and it works!

I just tried this, the fact it works is amazing.

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Still gives me an error. Roblox sucks