Asset creation failed

I’m trying to upload a 5 second audio for a Roblox game but when I try to upload it, I get asset creation failed and I have no idea how to fix it. I tried renaming the audio but it still says asset creation failed.


Probably a website bug – contact @Bug-Support – I would try waiting a few days or uploading it later today. I’ve had the same issue with uploading clothing in the past, but it was resolved in a few days.

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Yeah… except it’s been happening for like a week straight. Still can’t upload any audios.

Urgg been happening to me too, so annoying

Try using the bult asset importer in Studio.

I just tried and it said “The File Type Is Not Supported!” even tho its an MP3 file.

I guess the audio was corrupted because it didn’t work in the studio so I used an MP3-to-MP3 converter and tried to upload it again. That fixed the problem.


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