Asset creation issue

Hello users/staff,

Short Explanation

There’s a new issue regarding to uploading clothing (pants/shirts/tshirts) via create, the issue has occured for both personal uploading and group uploading, after the creation of an asset (pants/shirt/tshirt) it will automatically be “accepted” and then turn it into the regular ROBLOX render character without any clothes on it, the clothing becomes temporarily visible once you press “Try on” but once you press “Take off” it goes back to being fully invisible.

Step-by-step (Screenshots)

Step One: Go to “Create” and upload a shirt (Group or from your personal account)

Step Two: Hit create and it will instantly be accepted

Step Three: The shirt/pants/tshirt will remain completely invisible

Step Four: Click the shirt and hit “Try on”, this is the only way for it to appear untill you hit “Take off”.

More information

  • Issue started for me about 3 days ago.
  • Clothing turns visible once you press “Try on”
  • If you wait around 24 hours and upload it again it’s a 50/50 chance of it going invisible again or finally showing the asset.

Hope this can be fixed!


Repro’d this issue: Test_For_Bug - Roblox

I’ve also created an internal bug ticket too