Asset heavy place files take ages to load and degrade frame performance while loading

Places with heavy downloadable asset usage (textures, materials) can take 5-10 minutes to fully load in Studio. While this happens, your performance is also severely degraded. In the attached video, you can see all of the car meshes fully loaded as I pan over to various sphere parts that contain MaterialVariants and show off terrain materials not being loaded.

Internet speed is not an issue in this case. It feels like Roblox is artificially limiting how fast assets are delivered to Studio clients. This is a reoccurring issue in all Twin Atlas development environments, requiring us to move assets out of view and developing code in separate places. This happens regardless of OS or Studio version.
Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 3.16.41 PM

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Thanks for the report! Just to confirm, we have a ticket for this in our internal database.

This is still an issue. Why is place loading so throttled in Studio?


Hello, checking back in to see if this is still an issue you are seeing. We’ve made some significant changes to how places are opened in the last month which I think likely corrected this problem. Can you confirm whether you are still seeing this problem or not?