Asset Imports For Sound & Images Does Not Load

When I use the asset manager to upload an image or sound, it does not load into studio. I am unable to see the image or play the sound. There is nothing I can do to get it to load without relaunching studio (refreshing asset ID doesn’t work). There are other(s) experiencing this problem too.

For bug reproduction, open Roblox Studio and upload an image into a decal instance.

System Information: Windows 11
Beta Features: Notched Screen, Updated Roblox Controls.

Expected behavior

  1. All assets load immediately after using the asset manager to upload.
  2. Load newly uploaded assets when inserting asset ID into sound / image instances.

This is just an acknowledgment announcement!

We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!